Hazard and Risk Control

Submitted by estelle.zivano… on Mon, 09/25/2023 - 17:06

The overarching aim of WHS legislation is to minimise harm to all who enter a workplace. Key to this objective is establishing procedures to identify and control hazards and risks. In this chapter we will explore, your responsibilities to respond and to report workplace incidents as well as common hazards in the workplace. We will identify a range of safety signage, ways to identify, control and manage risks and the process for monitoring and reviewing risk controls.

By the end of this topic, you will understand:

  • The difference between a hazard and a risk
  • Common workplace hazards
  • A range of safety signage
  • Hazards in the workplace
  • How to conduct and record a risk assessment.
Key to this objective is establishing procedures to identify and control hazards and risks.
Sub Topics

A hazard is anything that has the potential to be harmful. Harm may include disease, injury or damage to the environment, equipment or property. A hazard can be:

  • An individual physical thing (for example, a sharps container without a lid)
  • A situation (for example, the need to lift a heavy client who has fallen)
  • Multiple factors or circumstances (for example, a colleague has gone home sick and you are left to work a shift on your own).

Hazard vs Risk

A risk is the possibility that harm can occur when exposed to a hazard. Risk considers the likelihood of a hazard to cause injury and the consequences.


An unlocked chemical cupboard is a hazard. A risk is that an unauthorised person may access the chemicals and cause them injury or harm

  • Working a double shift is a hazard. A risk is that fatigue may cause mistakes or lapses of attention
  • Exposure to biological products is a hazard. A risk is that infection may result.

Report Issues, Incidents and Injuries

All workers have a responsibility under WHS laws toreport hazards in the workplace (Safe Work, n.d. [D]).

This means that if you notice that a piece of equipment is damaged, a colleague is not following proceduresor a task that is being performed is unsafe, then you have a legal duty to report that hazard in line with your organisation’s policies and procedures. This requirement by law extends to near misses; that is, where something could have happened, but did not. Near misses are important opportunities for organisations to learn how to manage and improve their worker safety.

As a worker, you must:

  • Be aware of your organisation’s procedures for reporting accidents and incidents in the workplace (these may include completing an incident report, placing an entry in a hazard log or sending an email to your WHS representative or committee)
  • Report all accidents and incidents to your immediate supervisor as soon as possible
  • Maintain the privacy and con dentiality of personaland health information of an injured worker or person in accordance with the requirements with the privacy legislation within your state or territory
  • Participate in risk management consultation processes and incident investigations as required

When completing written reports or documentation, it is important to use clear language, legible handwriting and ensure that the documents are submitted in line with procedures. This will help to ensure that prompt action is taken to address the hazard or risk.

Common Workplace Hazards

Workplace hazards are typically divided into physical hazards, chemical hazards (Safe Work Australia, n.d. [B]) and behavioural hazards. See the types of hazards for each of these groups in the table below:

Physical Hazards
  • Lifting or maneuvering heavy equipment or people
  • Damaged or poorly designed equipment and furniture
  • Clutter and congestion
  • Exposure to biological products or waste
Chemical Hazards
  • Gas or vapors from poor ventilation
  • Fumes
  • Dust
  • Liquid spill
Behavioural Hazards
  • Threatens or assaults
  • Inexperience or inadequate training
  • Poor health or stress
  • Poor employee relationships and harassment
  • Inadequate from repetitive action

Hazardous Manual Tasks

Hazardous manual tasks are any tasks that involve repeated or sustained force, high or sudden force, repetitive movement, sustained or awkward posture or exposure to vibration. Hazardous manual tasks present a high risk of causing damage to the musculoskeletal system (comprised of muscles, ligaments, bones, tendons and joints). Some examples of hazardous manual tasks are outlined in the table below:

Repeated or sustained force
  • Pushing or pulling a heavy item such as a laundry trolley or heavy wheelie bin
  • Lifting a heavy item or person
  • Moving heavy items from a ¬oor to a shelf
  • Holding a heavy weight for a length of time (or example, restraining an animal or person)
High or sudden force
  • Catching a falling person
  • Falling objects hitting a person
  • Violence from another person
Repetitive or awkward posture
  • Using a keyboard
  • Carrying, pushing and pulling objects or people
Sustained or awkward posture
  • Using foot-operated equipment
  • Helping a person with limited mobility to walk
  • Assisting a bedridden patient to move from laying to sitting
Exposure to vibration
  • Using some types of machinery

Injuries from hazardous manual tasks comprise of 90% of all workers compensation claims in Australia (Safe Work Australia, n.d. [C]). Since there is such a high incidence of these types of injuries, they must form a part of any hazard evaluation in a workplace.


Safe Work Australia’s model code of practice: Hazardous manual tasks (Safe Work Australia, n.d. [D]) explains how to identify hazardous manual tasks and minimise the risks associated with them. You can access the model code of practice at Safe Work

Australia’s website: https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/doc/model-code-practice-hazardous-manual-tasks

Close up black flammable sign with red letter flammable on doors of yellow flammable cabinet in laboratory room

Workplaces display a range of signs in order to protect workers and visitors from harm. It is essential that you comply with such signs at all times. These may include signs for:

  • Exits and emergency exits, re escapes and the location of re extinguishers
  • HAZCHEM to show the location and classification of dangerous materials such as chemicals, compressed gasses or explosives
  • Specific work areas that require those who enter to hold specific certification or approval (for example, confined spaces)
  • Areas of high voltage (for example, electrical substations)
  • Areas that require PPE to be worn

In a healthcare environment, signage may also include the following:

  • The presence of and methods for disposing of and using sharps and other hazardous equipment (such as scalpels, debriding materials, wound dressings and gloves)
  • Areas of high radiation due to X-ray and other medical procedures (signage for these areas will not only describe the presence of radiation but also restrictions on entry)
  • Areas where medications are stored and relevant entry requirements

Due to the significant risk of injury hazards present to yourself and others, you must be aware of and follow safety signage in line with your workplace procedures.


Consider a workplace with which you are familiar.

Describe the types of signage present and who the signage is intended for. Does it convey meaning in an easy-to-understand manner? What changes would you make?

Safety Signs

There are a number of safety signs that you should be aware of and know the meanings of each. ​

These include:​

  • Dangerous goods classifications ​
  • Emergency equipment​
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE)​
  • Specific hazards such as sharps, radiation

Dangerous goods classification

The Australian Dangerous Goods Code states that:

“Substances (including mixtures and solutions) and articles subject to this code are assigned to one of nine classes according to the hazard or the most predominant of the hazards they present”.

Some of these dangerous goods classes are sub-divided into specific divisions. Read on to learn more about the classes and divisions of dangerous goods in Australia.

Sign Class Division
Dangerous goods classes and hazard labels | Civil Aviation Safety Authority 1. Explosives Division 1.1: substances and articles which have a mass explosion hazard.
Division 1.2: Substances and articles which have a projection hazard but not a mass explosion hazard
Division 1.3: Substances and articles which have a fire hazard and either a minor blast hazard or a minor projection hazard or both, but not a mass explosion hazard
Division 1.4: Substances and articles which present no significant hazar
Division 1.5: Very insensitive substances which have a mass explosion hazard
Division 1.6: Extremely insensitive articles which do not have a mass explosion hazard
Flammable Gas, Non Flammable gas and Toxic gas pictograms 2. Gases Division 2.1: Flammable gases
Division 2.2: Non-flammable, non-toxic gases
Division 2.3: Toxic gases
Flammable liquid pictogram 3. Flammable Liquids

There are no sub-divisions for Class 3 Flammable Liquids. 

 Flammable solids, spontaneous combustion, dangerous when wet pictograms 4.  Flammable Solids; Substances Liable To Spontaneous Combustion; Substances Which, On Contact With Water, Emit flammable Gases  Division 4.1: Flammable solids, self-reactive substances and solid desensitised explosives  
Division 4.2: Substances liable to spontaneous combustion 
Division 4.3: Substances which in contact with water emit flammable gases
 Oxidising agents and organic peroxides pictograms 5. Oxidizing Substances and Organic Peroxides Division 5.1: Oxidizing substances 
Division 5.2: Organic peroxides 
 Toxic substances and infectious substances pictograms 6. Toxic and Infectious Substances Division 6.1: Toxic substances 
Division 6.2: Infectious substances 
 Radioactive materials pictograms 7. Radioactive Material There are no sub-divisions for Class 7 Radioactive Material.
 Corrosive substances pictograms 8. Corrosive Substances There are no sub-divisions for Class 8 Corrosive Substances. 
 Miscellaneous dangerous goods pictogram 9. Miscellaneous Dangerous Substances and Articles There are no sub-divisions for Class 9 Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods.

Specific hazards such as sharps, radiation

Biohazard Sharps Receptacle | Buy Now | Discount Safety Signs Australia

Sharps Hazards

Definition: Sharps refer to objects with sharp points or edges that can cause punctures or cuts. Examples include needles, syringes, scalpels, broken glass, and other medical or laboratory equipment.

Settings: Sharps hazards are commonly found in healthcare facilities, including hospitals, clinics, and medical practices. They can also be present in community programs that offer health and wellness services, as well as in public spaces where individuals may improperly dispose of sharps.
Risks: The primary risk associated with sharps is accidental needlestick injuries or cuts, which can expose workers to bloodborne pathogens like HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C.

Safety Measures: To mitigate sharps hazards, community service professionals should follow these safety measures:

  • Properly dispose of used sharps in designated sharps containers.
  • Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves.
  • Be trained in safe handling and disposal procedures.
  • Encourage safe sharps disposal in the community through education and provision of disposal containers.
  • Implement sharps injury prevention programs, including vaccination for bloodborne pathogens.

RADIATION HAZARD - Australian Safety Signs

Radiation Hazards

Definition: Radiation hazards involve exposure to ionizing or non-ionizing radiation, which can originate from medical equipment, industrial processes, or natural sources.

Settings: Radiation hazards can be found in healthcare settings using X-ray machines, radiation therapy, and diagnostic imaging equipment. They may also occur in industrial settings where radiation sources are used. In some community service industries, there may be a risk from radon exposure in residential or public buildings.

Risks: Exposure to radiation can lead to various health risks, including tissue damage, radiation burns, and an increased risk of cancer. The specific risks depend on the type and intensity of radiation.

Safety Measures: To manage radiation hazards in community service settings, take the following precautions:

  • Use shielding and protective barriers, such as lead aprons and thyroid collars, in medical and industrial settings.
  • Follow radiation safety protocols and limit exposure time.
  • Monitor radiation levels with dosimeters or radiation detection equipment.
  • Provide training and education on the safe use of radiation equipment.
  • Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements for radiation safety.
  • In the case of radon exposure, take steps to test for and mitigate radon levels in buildings as necessary.

It's important for community service professionals to be aware of these specific hazards and take appropriate measures to prevent or minimize the associated risks. Training, awareness, and adherence to safety protocols are critical in maintaining the well-being of both service providers and the individuals they serve. Additionally, community service organizations should have comprehensive safety policies and procedures in place to address these hazards and ensure the safety of their staff and clients.


Young Asian businesswoman work at home and virtual video conference meeting with colleagues business people

Risk management procedures typically follow a four step approach:

  1. Identify hazards
  2. Assess risks
  3. Control risks
  4. Evaluate control measures

Safe Work Australia, n.d. [E]

You can refer to the following diagram for some information on each of these steps before we discuss them in more detail:

Risk management procedures
  1. Identify Hazards - Hazards may be identified via workplace inspections, while completing a specific tasks or using a piece of equipment, or as part of an incident investigation or review.
  2. Assess Risks - Identify the likelihood and impact should the risk presented by the hazard eventuate. A risk matrix can be useful in this step.
  3. Control Risks - Determine how the risks are to be controlled. The hierarchy of risk is a systematic approach to determining the most appropriate risk management approach.
  4. Evaluate Control Measures - Review the risk controls implemented to determine their effectiveness. This can be done by gathering staff feedback, evaluating incident reports and staff absentee rates and evaluating productivity.

Identify Hazards

Your organisation will have procedures in place to manage workplace risk. A systematic approach to risk management improves safety and ensures that workers are aware of their role to play regarding risk management. Management commitment is essential in this respect. WHS is seen as an integral part of business operations rather than a compliance issue.

A proactive attitude towards hazard and risk management will:

  • Minimise the number and severity of workplace injuries and illness as well as the costs associated with these
  • Promote a positive culture of health and wellbeing in the workplace
  • Promote innovation and continuous improvement

As we saw earlier, regular workplace inspections form part of the hazard identification processes. Other ways in which hazards may be identified include:

  • Inspecting equipment or tools prior to use
  • Debrie ng or evaluating processes following events or incidents in the workplace
  • Observing how colleagues or others perform tasks or use equipment
  • Evaluating your personal levels of stress or fatigue.

Assess Risks

Assessing risks involves evaluating how big a risk is and what the potential impact would be if it were to occur.

Impacts include harm to workers and others (and the number of people potentially harmed), as well as financial, productivity and legal rami cations. This process helps workplaces determine priorities for risk management and to evaluate the time, money and effort required to manage the risk.

Risk assessment can be undertaken using a risk management matrix. The matrix plots the probability of a risk occurring against the severity of the consequences if it did occur to reveal a risk rating of low, medium, high or extremely high.

Negligible Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic
Likelihood Very Likely Moderate
Extremely High
Extremely High
Likely Moderate
Extremely High
Extremely High
Possible Low
Unlikely Low
Improbable Low

Risk control should always aim to eliminate a risk so far as is reasonably practicable (Safe Work Australia, n.d. [F]). The risk assessment process and use of the matrix will help determine what should be considered reasonable for controlling any specific hazard or risk.

Case Study

Rosemary Reports a Hazard

Rosemary has noticed that the empty fruit and vegetable boxes remain stacked in the kitchen for a number of hours. She knows it is her role to remove these boxes, but she is unable to do this as it would mean leaving unattended the foyer where she needs to welcome customers and also the clients with intellectual disabilities gather prior to starting the program.

Rosemary also noticed that the farmers do not collect the empty boxes at the end of the day they delivered these but after couple of days when they bring the next delivery.

This means the area outside the back door, leading into a rear laneway, becomes blocked, effectively blocking off an emergency exit.

Rosemary knows that it is her responsibility to report and act upon hazards when she identifies them. She reports the incident to her team leader and completes the hazard report form as defined in the risk management policy of Blue Lake Community House.

Reasonably Practicable

The WHS laws state that an employer, also known as a ‘person conducting a business or undertaking’ (PCBU), has a requirement to do whatever is reasonably practicable to eliminate or minimise health and safety risks. The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 defines reasonably practicable as an evaluation of the following:

  • The likelihood of the hazard occurring
  • The degree of harm that may result
  • Knowledge about the hazard or risk and ways of managing or eliminating it
  • The availability and suitability of risk reduction or elimination methods
  • Whether the cost of eliminating the risk is proportionate to its occurrence

Safe Work Australia, n.d. [E]

A risk that has been evaluated as having an extremely high-risk rating will warrant a greater investment in time, money and effort as opposed to one that has a lower chance of risk. Consider the following example:

The community house has undertaken a workplace inspection and identified the following risks:

  • There is a tree in the facility with lowhanging branches. It is considered that staff members and customers could injure themselves when walking to the community veggie patch.
  • The medicine cabinet is mounted on a wall in the staff room. If damage were to occur to the wall, the cabinet could fall, injuring a staff member.

The first risk is assessed as being possible, with a moderate impact should it occur, which results in a risk rating of a high 12. The second risk is assessed as improbable, with a moderate impact should it occur, which results in a risk rating of a low 3.

Consultation with Stakeholder to Risk

Employers, usually referred to as PCBUs, have a duty to consult with all stakeholders who may be exposedto a risk. This means that anyone who is impacted by that risk (or has the potential to be impacted) must be given the opportunity to help shape how that risk is to be managed. Not only is this a legal requirement, it also makes good practical sense in that those who are most closely involved in the situation presenting the risk may well also be best positioned to manage the risk in a practical manner.

Consultation is typically undertaken via toolbox talks, formal meetings or via email (see section 2.3). The most suitable method will vary according to the location of stakeholders and the nature of risk to be addressed.

Control Risks

The risk rating will help shape the choice of control procedures. A risk that has been assessed with a higher rating will warrant a greater investment in time, money and resources compared to a lower risk.

Hierarchy of Control

The hierarchy of control process can be used for evaluating all risks. Under WHS legislation, a hierarchy of control process must be used for managing certain types of risks.

The hierarchy lists methods of managing a risk shown from that which is most effective (elimination) through to that which is least effective (using PPE).

The aim must always be to eliminate risks so far asreasonably practicable. This can only be achieved by eliminating the hazard. What is considered reasonably practicable will vary according to the nature of the risk and the risk rating. If you revisit the example of the tree with low-hanging branches at a community service centre, total elimination of the risk would be to remove the tree. Actions like trimming the low-hanging branches, however, may be considered appropriate.

In the instance of the medicine cabinet on the wall at the community house, the risk could be removed by reinforcing the wall or installing a standalone cabinet; both of these solutions may be considered as reasonably practicable given the low risk.

Evaluate Risk Controls

A risk management plan should include performance measures that de ne what a successful risk control outcome will look like. This may include:

  1. Completely eliminating the risk:
    Example- If the risk associated with cleaning upper-storey windows is considered to be unacceptable, choosing to either not clean the windows or outsourcing the task to a window-cleaning organisation will eliminate the risk.
  2. Reducing the risk to an acceptable level:
    Example- Arranging for staff to undertake appropriate training and providing safety equipment and PPE may reduce the risk associated with cleaning highlevel windows to an acceptable level.

In addition to performance measures, evaluation should also consider the following:

  • Have there been any unforeseen consequences arising from the management of the risk?
  • Has the risk control measure worked as planned?
  • Have any additional hazards arisen as a result of the risk control?
  • Are workers correctly implementing or following the risk control?

A risk management plan should de ne how and when the evaluation of the risk controls will occur. Deciding on a timeframe will vary according to the nature of the risks being controlled. For example, risk controls implemented to manage a one-off event (for example, a company wide off-site planning day) can be evaluated shortly after that event. In contrast, evaluating risk controls associated with the introduction of a new piece of equipment may require a longer evaluation timeframe to ensure there is an adequate measure of the success of the controls.

Sources of Evaluation Information

Typically, evaluation will rely on information from a variety of sources. The selection of evaluation methods will need to consider the type of information required and how that information can be collected. Anyone who was initially involved in a consultation to address identified risks should always be involved in the review process.

Common evaluation methods are explored in the table below:

Employee Feedback
  • 1:1 meetings
  • Surveys
  • Forums or team meetings
Organisational Data
  • Incident reports
  • Staff absence or leave records
  • Productivity data
  • Evaluation of staff performance
  • Workplace culture or harmony
Case Study

Evaluation of Hazard Controls

Rosemary met with her team leader, kitchen staff and a representative from the fruit and vegetable supplier to determine how the risk presented by the empty fruit and vegetable boxes blocking the rear laneway could be addressed. It was determined that the following controls would be implemented:

  • The kitchen staff would ¬attend the boxes once they had been emptied
  • Rosemary would place the ¬flattened boxes against the wall in the laneway so that the exit was not blocked
  • The fruit and vegetable company would ensure their delivery team was instructed to collect the empty boxes every day

Document and Report Risk Management Outcomes

Keeping records of incidents and risk management processes is a legal requirement. It also ensures that your organisation is able to review the effectiveness of the risk management controls it implements.

Your organisation should have specific processes for documenting risk management processes such as the use of specific forms or templates, WHS reporting requirements and storage or display of documents and reports.

Risk management documentation should include:

  • The nature of hazards identified and the identification process followed
  • A description of how risk management decisions were made
  • Who was involved in the risk-management process
  • How risk-management controls were implemented (for example, staff training, procedure modification and changes to plant and equipment)
  • Implementation processes such as training records
  • Review processes including review methods and the timeframe for review.

Answer the following questions based on the case study of Rosemary. 

In summary, the primary goal of WHS legislation is to minimize harm to anyone within a workplace. Achieving this objective hinges on the establishment of procedures for hazard and risk identification and control. Throughout this topic, we have explored your responsibilities in responding to and reporting workplace incidents, along with a comprehensive examination of common workplace hazards. Additionally, we've covered safety signage, methods for identifying, controlling, and managing risks, and the procedures for monitoring and reviewing risk controls.

By the end of this topic, you should have a solid grasp of the distinctions between hazards and risks, be well-versed in recognizing common workplace hazards, understand various safety signage, possess knowledge of workplace hazards, and be capable of conducting and documenting a thorough risk assessment. These skills and insights are crucial in ensuring a safer workplace for all.

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