Self Development 3

Submitted by gavin.stokes@y… on Fri, 03/04/2022 - 14:15
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Today's activity is a writing/drawing task – how you lay it out is up to you.

In one colour, write or draw YOU in the centre of the page – all around you, I want you to write or draw what is important to you. Anything and everything: your kids, the relationship with your nanny, a warm whare, being able to do the sport you love, learning, your culture, friendships, laughing, travel, volunteering, church activities, time with your cousins, work that has purpose or meaning... be as specific as you can. 

In a different colour, on the same page, write all the parts of you that you can think of, your TRUE you. Hardcase, intellectually sharp, caring, focused, suffer depression, creative, hustler, driven, in recovery, easygoing, spiritual, great talker, neurodiverse, passionate, takes time to process things, a teacher or mentor, anxiety, flamboyant, manaaki tangata, deep thinker, awkward, procrastinator, ADHD, has beautiful manners, loves looking fly...

Give yourself half an hour to really draw it all out. 

Looking at that page – how many places or spaces or roles have you been able to bring all of that, and have the people around you KNOW all of what makes you YOU?

And then think about what it was that was holding you back. Was it them and the environment? Or was it you holding that back – or a combination?

This is YOUR tuakiri – your identity. And your whakapapa or genealogy contributes to that.

Use this template (make a copy) and begin your writing exercise, 300-500 words max. It’s a letter to yourself, from you, and the sole criteria is that it needs to remind you of the fullness of you.

Try your best to include everything you have drawn or written in the letter.

Here’s an example:

“Dear Jada – I actually love that you’re a bit of a nerd, and your anxiety before going into new places is okay because deep down you need to be liked by people, but people can be dicks so if you just step into that room anyway, we’ll be good. You’ll find someone to click with because you’re great at finding out about other people and connecting to them, and you’re definitely a hard case...

I know that continuing to learn is so important to you, as is working for a kaupapa that has a higher purpose, but don’t forget that time with your babies probably means more to your heart than anything, and you feel heartbroken when you can’t be with them when they're sick. So have a think Jada about how you can marry those two parts of yourself together.”

See where we’re going with this? 

This is helping you prepare for turning up into any environment as YOU. Authentically you.

Now, if you feel comfortable, share your picture AND your letter in the Module 6 Practicals Forum

And because in new environments like a workplace, someone will inevitably say: “tell me a bit about yourself”, record yourself telling them a bit about yourself that reflects the work you’ve just done.

Upload to your thread in the Module 6 Practicals Forum:

  1. a photo of your drawing
  2. a link to your letter
  3. a link to your video


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