Self Development 4

Submitted by gavin.stokes@y… on Fri, 03/04/2022 - 14:22
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This was originally a pair exercise, but we're going to have you work with yourself again (you should be getting good at this). This is an openness and transparency activity.

It is important that you take the time to create a safe space to ask yourself these questions. This is about owning who you're being. And there's no right or wrong here.

Use this template (make a copy) to ask yourself these questions –  note your answer, and when you read that answer back, note down what you feel about yourself e.g. that's disappointing or I'm okay with that as that is who I am, I love me and everything that makes me up, dammit I thought I'd fixed that LOL. 

  1. What behaviours do you believe are limiting your potential?
  2. How do you feel when you’re talking to others about yourself?
  3. What do you think you're good at?
  4. What are some of your weaknesses?
  5. If you have to describe yourself to someone what would you say?
  6. Is there is anything you avoid thinking or knowing about yourself?

In a work environment, our hard work gets challenged all the time so this is preparing us to receive feedback or radical candour. How can we grow and change if we don’t fully open ourselves to feedback. It is hard and awkward – I struggle with any kind of confrontation, and yet some of my favorite people in the universe are the blunt straight talkers. 

So to practice humility, we are practicing receiving feedback with humility from ourselves. Remember to be kind to yourself. And later when we know each other better, we can test this with each other. 

If you're happy to share this practical do so in your thread in the Module 6 Practicals Forum.


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