
Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Wed, 03/30/2022 - 02:32

To start a business, you first need to register, these include:

Australian business number (ABN) and business name https://register.business.gov.au
Register a company https://register.business.gov.au/registration/type?type=Company
Register for GST and other taxes https://register.business.gov.au/additional
Register for PAYG withholding https://business.gov.au/registrations/register-for-taxes/register-for-pay-as-you-go-payg-withholding
Licences and permits https://ablis.business.gov.au
Register your trademark http://trademarks.business.gov.au/assist/welcome

When you sell a product or service, you must comply with fair trading regulations, there is the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and fair-trading laws per state

When you agree to do a job for another person or business, you're probably entering into a commercial contract, learn about contracts here

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