
Submitted by Jodie.alexande… on Wed, 01/18/2023 - 11:08

Welcome to CUAGRD503–Produce Typographic Design Solutions.

As you continue to develop your proficiencies in graphic design, the purpose of this module concentrates on the skills and knowledge required to produce professional typography for a wide range of communication needs.

There are six (6) areas of study associated with this module.

These are:

  1. Research type as visual communication, where you will analyse the history, theory and practice of typography, and assess current trends to determine the effect on your professional practice in graphic design
  2. Analyse design needs, where you will confirm communication objectives with your client, and evaluate the design brief requirements  including external considerations
  3. Develop ideas for typographic solutions, where you will develop your ideas, and test different types, fonts and styles. Explore a range of hand and digital techniques based on the needs of the brief considering production issues and approaches
  4. Manipulate and integrate type, where you will explore different ways of combining options for type using advanced features of Adobe Illustrator
  5. Integrate type within the overall design, where you will refine digital ideas and produce final designs that support key communication objectives relating to the original design brief
  6. Evaluate typographic design solutions, where you will evaluate and reflect on the final design solution in terms of the qualities of typography.

Good luck with your studies!

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A designer working on a computer
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