Creative Pathways

Submitted by Julie.Paulin@e… on Mon, 11/13/2023 - 17:07

Designed by former Yoobee student: Felix Tindall
Qualification: Diploma of Graphic Design
Career: Designer & Illustrator, Freelance
Professional Portfolio (as of 14 November 2023)

Sub Topics

During this course, you have had the opportunity to experience a wide variety of processes, techniques and technologies from a range of exciting creative industries.

Whakamihi. Congratulations. You have now taken the first step of gathering the insights necessary to guide your decision about the directions to take you toward a creative career if that still aligns with what you want. We hope this course gave you a taste of the creative professional's life so you can decide how best to aim your career.

If you enjoyed the Animation course, bringing ideas to life using motion and getting to know Adobe Animate, you might consider continuing your studies with one of Yoobee’s Level 5 Diplomas in Animation or starting a Bachelor of Animation.

You can choose between courses that either focus on 2D or programmes that include 3D animation.

Explore your options.

This is a screenshot from the excellent composite film that was shown to you as an example of work for the activity Showing off Activity – Compositing in Film > Storyboarding.

Did you like working with cameras, capturing video and crafting stories in Adobe Premiere? Continuing your education with a Level 5 Diploma in Film and Content Creation could be an excellent choice for you. You could become even more industry-ready by doing a Level 6 Diploma in Film and TV Production.

Case Study

Julie Zhu has a photography credit in the series, Giants, available on Maori+.

Julie did not attend Yoobee College, but she is a great example of the work you can do if you choose a film pathway. Julie's online portfolio has a simple aesthetic that makes it easy to see what projects she has participated in and what her role was. Julie chooses not to go into detail for each work she is showing, instead allowing it to speak for itself - which she can do at this stage in her career, with an impressive amount of completed and published works.

Julie wants to tell our Yoobee students why she followed a filmmaking path: 

Filmmaking and art in general to me is an extension of activism, a way to propel forward new ideas and perspectives, and hopefully bring about more empathy and justice in the world. I think storytelling is one of the most powerful ways to open people's hearts and bring about meaningful shifts in understanding.

Julie Zhu, Filmmaker, photographer, and producer based in Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa.

Explore your options.

This is a solid example advert from our Design/Web > Commercial Design course.

If you are more interested in how to get people excited about products and services, then a Level 5 Diploma in Creative Marketing could be up your alley.

The Level 6 Diploma in Creative Digital Design is a great extension that will prepare you for life as a creative.

Explore your options.

Are you more interested in solving problems and helping people communicate their ideas? If you’re interested in learning more about the Web and how UX can be used to design meaningful digital experiences, perhaps you should look at a Level 5 Diploma in Digital Design – Web and Graphics.

If you loved putting your portfolio together online, you should definitely consider moving on to the Level 6 Diploma in Web and UX to really get an upper hand in an exciting, fast-paced industry.

Explore your options.

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A stark silhouette of Pasifika warriors against a red backdrop
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