Fleur M

Submitted by alex.dacey@nzm… on Wed, 08/21/2024 - 11:43

Welcome to my play space as I learn about how the LMS works. Here you will see me experimenting and quite possibly making many mistakes BUT...Every day is a school day!


Sub Topics

Welcome to Playing with Subtopics. Here we will learn about creating content in a subtopic

Heading 3

This is what heading 3 under a subtopic looks like.

In this content I have a URL for the reader to click on. This is it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOaf8W4IpOM&t=785s

I can also insert a picture of my choosing, such as this one


H5P Activities

I can insert this type of activity here once I learn how.



Learning how to add subtopics is important as there are often several subtopics within one topic. This content is for the second subtopic


You can add third and subsequent subtopics in the same way

As a support worker, you play a crucial role in the health and wellbeing sector. Your work involves providing care and support to individuals who may be vulnerable, have health issues, or need assistance in their daily lives. Understanding the industry requirements and expectations is key to performing your role effectively and safely.
In this next activity you will  explore what you already know about the requirements and expectations of a support worker.


Module Linking
Main Topic Image
NZ Flax
Is Study Guide?
Is Assessment Consultation?