Summary and Quiz

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Wed, 02/24/2021 - 04:19
Sub Topics

The sectors within construction include building completion services, building installation services, building structure services, general construction and demolition, signage and building surveying and specialist construction services.

The tasks typically performed by tradespeople in the construction industry include:

  • Erecting framework, roof frames, roofs and walls
  • Laying floors, carpet and tiles
  • Applying plaster or cement coatings to walls
  • Building and installing fittings
  • Painting or wallpapering surfaces
  • Making signs
  • Excavating and installing plumbing and drainage systems
  • Installing gas appliances and air conditioning
  • Installing guttering and other rainwater goods.

You must understand your licensing and registration requirements for when you have finished your current qualification. In most states and territories, the licencing requirements are different. This is why it’s important to match your skills with the type of tradesperson requirements you’re interested in. You can do this by conducting a personal skills audit.

As you will likely be a part of a team, as a team member, you should try and offer positive suggestions to other team members, actively participate in discussions, build on ideas and celebrate the success of others to be an effective team member. It’s also essential you always try and actively listen, ask effective questions, think about your body language, and be respectful to different cultures.

A team purpose definition is a clear, concise statement about why the team has been formed. The statement should include a description of what the team does, a summary of who it’s doing it for and a clear message about why it’s important.

In building and construction, the term ‘environmental’ refers to those issues in the environment that can affect the project or the health and safety of the people working on it. For example, dust, noise, vibration, weather, recycling, responsible management of waste and responsible use of resources.

The EMP should also include the roles and responsibilities of the key people involved in the site's environmental management, emergency contacts, and Processes for dealing with environmental incidents.

The construction industry is complex and holds a wealth of information about the job roles, responsibilities and so on. While the following websites and videos are not mandatory to read or watch, they are highly recommended as you may find useful information to help you when the time comes to decide exactly what path you would like to take. They also include some additional information on setting goals and working sustainably on-site.

The Diversity Council of Australia provides the following videos to help you with different aspects of diversity and inclusion:

The following video provides you with additional information on:

Setting Objectives

The following website and video underpin information about sample EMP templates that can be used along with sustainable practise on a construction site.

The following fact sheet outlines the energy efficiency for building design.


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    A residential home under construction, in a rural setting at sunrise