Start-Up case study

Submitted by matt.willis@up… on Fri, 11/08/2019 - 12:08

Now you have learnt about the creative process, lets try it by working an a project. You will be working on a start up concept for a business who is ready to move from concpet to investment. Lets take a look. 

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Founder busy at work

Background to the Business

At the beginning of 2019, engineer, tech-enthusiast and beach-lover, John Crawford was frustrated at how often his devices would run out of battery while spending a weekend outdoors. John needed a way to charge multiple devices at the same time when he was down at the beach. This is how SparkIt came to be.

SparkIt is a portable charging station that uses renewable energy (solar power) to charge multiple electronic devices at once.


Initially, John used his engineering skills to produce a concept that solved his problem.

SparkIt Prototype

CAD Drawing

Once he was satisfied with his concept John built a single unit as a prototype.

SparkIt Product 1

With a prototype designed and built, John tested his product with potential users, received excellent feedback, then sourced a manufacturing partner for large scale production.

In order for SparkIt to be successful, though, John needs to raise money from investors. John needs to begin thinking about how he will market his product to consumers and how he is going to convey this to his potential investors.


Client giving a brief at a computer


John has his go-to-market strategy in place and is ready to sell SparkIt to potential investors. In order to do this, he needs specific marketing collateral. John needs the following items to start the investor drive.

  • 1) A strong brand identity:
    • - That reflects the product's environmentally friendly design
    • - That appeals to a wide audience (both consumers and investors)


  • 2) Visual assets highlighting the following features:
    • - Wireless charging pad
    • - 2 x USB charging outputs
    • - Micro USB input (for standard charging when required)
    • - Water-resistant
    • - Scratch-resistant
    • - Dustproof
    • - Shockproof


  • 3) Visual assets highlighting the following products that SparkIt is compatible with:
    • - Smartphones
    • - Tablets
    • - E-books
    • - SLR Cameras
    • - GoPros
    • - Drones
    • - Headphones


  • 4) Low fidelity wireframes for a product landing page that highlights:
    • - A product banner
    • - A Features sections (as above)
    • - A Support section (as above)
    • - An About the Founder section
    • - A Contact Us form


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