Storing tools and equipment

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Thu, 06/10/2021 - 13:49
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When storing tools and equipment, it is important to consider this too comes with a process as does the clean up tasks that need to be carried out at the end of the day. The clean up process is an integral part of organisation and keeping the site functioning and safe, therefore, it should not be skipped. As for storing of tools and equipment, this is one step that needs to be carefully facilitated as many of the tools and equipment used are costly and in the wrong hands can pose a danger. 

At the end of the day, keep in mind that you must:

  1. follow the site’s procedures for safe environmental clean up
  2. follow the site’s procedure to ensure that the clean-up process does not put yourself or others at risk of injury or harm
  3. always consider the principles of reduce, reuse and recycle
  4. avoid contaminating stormwater when cleaning tools, equipment, materials and the work area
  5. follow manufacturer instructions for cleaning and servicing tools and equipment
  6. check tools and equipment for defects and/or damage before storing them
  7. report any faults in tools and equipment and immediately remove them from service
  8. check and clean PPE
  9. clean and dry all tools and equipment before storing them
  10. store tools and equipment securely and according to manufacturer specifications and instructions
  11. store tools and equipment according to workplace specifications.


Watch the following video which provides some great advice about managing environmental issues while cleaning up.

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