Study Guide

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Tue, 10/05/2021 - 04:29

Welcome to MKT100 Building Blocks of Marketing

This subject is an introduction to marketing and will discuss the fundamental principles of contemporary marketing such as the marketing mix, the role of the customer, marketing research and survey techniques. The aforementioned principles of marketing are demonstrated using situations that students will encounter in their professional practice of marketing.

This study guide is also available as a downloadable PDF.

Sub Topics

Program Director Academic and contact details

Kellie Lumsden


Subject lecturer and contact details

Dr Teagan Altschwager

Subject lecturer

Please direct any questions concerning the teaching of this subject to your subject lecturer.

The lecturer for this subject is:

Dr Teagan Altschwager

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Building Blocks of Marketing. I am a marketing and consumer behaviour specialist passionate about teaching and research. I have been working as a Senior Research Fellow at Orford Initiative for the past few years, and I have extensive experience in research and consulting across financial planning/retirement, sport management, retail services, and Australian and French wine industries. I look forward to supporting you in your studies throughout the trimester.

Welcome to MKT100 Building Blocks of Marketing.

This subject is an introduction to marketing and will discuss the fundamental principles of contemporary marketing such as the marketing mix, the role of the customer, marketing research and survey techniques. The aforementioned principles of marketing are demonstrated using situations that students will encounter in their professional practice of marketing.

Subject credit points Total course credit points
3 72


Total No. timetabled hours Total No. personal study hours Total workload hours
36 84 120


No. timetabled hours per week No. timetabled hours per week Workload hours per week
3 7 10
ICHM Graduate Qualities (GQ)
  ID Graduate Qualities Description Graduate will:
GQ1 Global inclusivity and sustainability Be responsible and effective global citizens Critically analyse and reflect upon how society interacts with the environment, its complex nature and how they can influence society as change agents
Demonstrate a commitment and responsibility to global ethical practices, sustainability and respect for universal cultural diversity
Develop business approaches that demonstrate value for scalable and sustainable social enterprises
GQ2 Professional identity and practice Ability to demonstrate and systematically apply business/ marketing/ entrepreneurship practices Apply an in-depth body of knowledge relating to the discipline focus area of business practice
Exhibit ethical values and judgement according to a personal and professional brand
Develop a sense of self, showing expertise, passion and dedication in the professional world and the ability to connect with a variety of stakeholders in supporting industry outcomes
Demonstrate a growth mindset that leverages resilience and the ability to manage change in a fluid business environment with expertise, emotional intelligence and empathy
GQ3 Independent self-management and life-long learning Be lifelong and applied learners who are open to new ideas, applications and techniques Demonstrate a commitment to self-directed lifelong learning and intellectual development
Be lifelong and applied, autonomous learners who are reflective, open to new ideas, applications and techniques
Develop and draw upon resourceful practices, highlighting an adaptable nature, resilience and wellbeing
GQ4  Collaboration and skilled communication Ability to work in a team and develop effective relationships in a diverse environment Present and transmit complex ideas via a range of mediums that persuade, influence and inform a range of stakeholders
Work independently, as well as collaboratively in peer communities to creatively understand problems worth solving
Ability to work in a team, think collaboratively and develop effective relationships in a diverse environment
GQ5 Critical thinking and creativity Apply knowledge and skills to the current business environment Apply information literacy to creatively impact and solve industry problems
Lead innovative projects and test new approaches, ideas, products, and services to be adopted by an existing organisation

Demonstrate the ability to effectively identify, formulate and solve unpredictable and complex problems, to generate ideas and demonstrate a capacity for initiative, judgement, innovation and divergent thinking

On successful completion of this course you will be able to:

  • CLO 1 - Critically evaluate relevant fundamental business theory in relation to developing best practise management approaches.
  • CLO 2 - Demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge and develop relevant analytical frameworks and techniques.
  • CLO 3 - Analyse, evaluate and critique the evolving business landscape to identify opportunities for enterprise and innovation.
  • CLO 4 - Collaborate with a variety of stakeholders where the problem and its solution are often complex.
  • CLO 5 - Analyse appropriate data and information to develop business concepts and plan and complete projects in a range of business contexts.
  • CLO 6 - Apply technical and professional proficiencies that are necessary to operate ethically and efficiently in business environments.
  • CLO 7 - Reflect on, assess and manage ongoing development of own lifelong learning capabilities and future development needs.
  • CLO 1 - Critically evaluate relevant fundamental business theory in relation to developing best practice marketing approaches.
  • CLO 2 - Demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge and develop relevant analytical frameworks and techniques.
  • CLO 3 - Analyse, evaluate and critique the evolving marketing landscape to identify opportunities for enterprise and innovation.
  • CLO 4 - Collaborate with a variety of stakeholders where the problem and its solution are often complex.
  • CLO 5 - Analyse appropriate data and information to develop marketing strategy and concepts, as well as design, plan and implement marketing projects and campaigns in a range of business contexts.
  • CLO 6 - Apply technical and professional proficiencies that are necessary to operate ethically and efficiently in marketing contexts.
  • CLO 7 - Reflect on, assess and manage ongoing development of own lifelong learning capabilities and future development needs.
  • CLO 1 - Critically evaluate relevant fundamental business theory in relation to developing best practice entrepreneurship approaches.
  • CLO 2 - Demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge and develop relevant analytical frameworks and techniques.
  • CLO 3 - Analyse, evaluate and critique the evolving entrepreneurship landscape to identify opportunities for enterprise and innovation.
  • CLO 4 - Collaborate with a variety of stakeholders where the problem and its solution are often complex.
  • CLO 5 - Analyse appropriate data and information to develop entrepreneur ventures or ideas, as well as design, plan and complete projects in a range of business contexts.
  • CLO 6 - Apply technical and professional proficiencies that are necessary to operate ethically and efficiently in entrepreneurship.
  • CLO 7 - Reflect on, assess and manage ongoing development of own lifelong learning capabilities and future development needs.
  • Social responsibility - Evaluate relevant ethical and legal considerations in an impartial way for routine marketing tasks.
  • Analysis - Obtain, analyse and interpret data relevant to making evidence-based decisions for routine marketing tasks in straightforward contexts.
  • Knowledge - Critically apply a broad and coherent knowledge of foundational marketing theories, concepts, practical principles and processes.
  • Judgement - Exercise judgement to recommend appropriate solutions for routine marketing tasks in straightforward contexts.
  • Communication - Effectively communicate straightforward marketing ideas in selected personal and group contexts.

Subject Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this subject you will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the importance in business practice of market orientation.
  2. Evaluate market conditions and consumer needs when forming marketing strategies.
  3. Describe a range of common strategies for use with each of the various marketing mix tools: product, pricing, promotion and distribution.
  4. Recommend and justify an appropriate mix of such strategies to form a cohesive overall strategy to address given marketing tasks or situations.
  5. Prepare and present a marketing plan.

The prescribed textbook for this subject is:

Kotler, P & Armstrong, G 2021, Principles of marketing - global edition, 18th edn., Pearson. 

  • Armstrong, G & Kotler, P 2020 Marketing: An introduction, 14th edn., Pearson.
  • Grewal, D & Levy, M 2019, M: Marketing, 6th edn., McGraw Hill.
  • Kerin, R & Hartley, S 2021, Marketing, 15th edn.,McGraw Hill.
  • Solomon, M, Marshall, G & Stuart, E 2020, Marketing: Real people, real choices, 10th edn., Pearson.
  • Journal of Marketing Research
  • Marketing Science
  • Journal of Marketing
  • Journal of Consumer Research
  • Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Library services can be found via the IHEA Library and provides access to many resources which you will need to complete your studies whilst a student at ICHM. The professional library staff are very helpful and skilled in showing you how to find resources online. You can access our library via the i-campus.

For additional information relating to ICHM and your course, please refer to ICHM student handbook and Policies and Procedures on the i-campus. Key contacts for the ICHM support team are:

Alex McGee – ICHM Learning Advisor


Phone: 61 8 8228 3652

Renata Wilson – Senior Student Counsellor and Wellbeing Advisor


Phone: 0419822753

Reasonable adjustments may be made to accommodate a student with a disability and reduce the impact of a disability on a student’s academic success.

Adjustments may include modifications to the learning environment, teaching method, or assessment conditions to increase the participation of a student without compromising the academic standard or the inherent course requirements.

ICHM does not restrict enrolment on the basis of disability or discriminate against students with a disability. However, ICHM may deny entry based upon reasonable belief of a student's inability to successfully complete the course, based upon potential limitations applied by the disability, and restricted participation within course requirements.

Please refer to the Reasonable Adjustment policy for further information.

If your disability or special circumstance requires the provision of a reasonable adjustment for this subject, please seek advice at the commencement of your subject from the Program Director Academic or Student Support.

Kellie Lumsden

Program Director Academic

Alex McGee

ICHM Learning Advisor

ICHM seeks to prepare students to meet or exceed the demands and expectations of industry. The highest standards of courtesy and professionalism by staff and students in all aspects of study at ICHM are expected. ICHM students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which does not impair the functioning of the College and the reasonable freedom of other persons to pursue their studies, research, duties or lawful activities of the College or to participate in the life of the College and to observe the ICHM Student Code of Behaviour. An ICHM student who does not conduct themselves in such a manner may be reported for misconduct under this Personal Conduct Policy.

Definitions of misconduct can be found in the Personal Conduct policy.

In addition, ICHM is committed to ensuring all students are communicated within a reliable, timely, effective, and efficient manner.

Students should consider their etiquette, written communication, and verbal communication in accordance with the ICHM personal conduct policy and ICHM communications policy.

It is strongly recommended that you attend and actively participate in all your scheduled seminars and consultation sessions. If unexpected events prevent you from attending your scheduled seminar or consultation session, you can access the recordings via the LMS and by speaking to your lecturer to ensure you have not missed anything important.

Each week, you should read through the subject content and resources, engage with the learning tasks, attend and participate in seminars, and review your understanding of the weekly materials.

Please contact your lecturer for any help you may need with the subject. Please remember to utilise the ICHM student services to assist with any study matters.

Pass/fail requirements

In order to pass this subject, you must:

  • achieve a minimum overall score of 50% for the subject

Refer to Assessment Policy for further information on the pass/fail requirements.

Academic Integrity refers to upholding ethical standards in all aspects of learning, teaching, and research at ICHM. All staff and students of ICHM are expected to engage in their scholarly and research endeavours in a responsible and ethical way so that they uphold the virtues of honesty, fairness, trust, respect and responsibility. To this end, all staff and students are required to undertake their own work and ensure that the use of other people’s ideas and writing are duly acknowledged.

Contract cheating refers to a form of collusion whereby a student either outsources or asks someone else to produce an academic assessment piece on the student’s behalf. Contract cheating is a serious form of academic dishonesty and is a breach of the Academic and Research Integrity policy.

Please familiarise yourself with the ICHM the Academic & Research Integrity policy.

Your assessment submissions must be accompanied by a completed assessment cover page. The cover page should include:

  • Full Name (including all other names if the Assessment is for group work)
  • 4 digit ID number
  • Title of Assessment
  • Word count

Your assessments must comply with the assessment format and item table requirements. You can find these under each Assessment Outline.

The Lecturer PowerPoint slides must not be cited as a reference in any type of Assessment. However, the references provided in the Powerpoint slides can be used.

In this subject, assignments may contain a maximum of 5% direct quotation and 20% paraphrasing from references. Assignments that are excessively reproductive and unoriginal will not be assessed and may receive a grade of 0%.

All students are required to follow the version of the CDU Harvard Referencing System as outlined by your lecturer.

All referencing will be in accordance with the Harvard Author Date (CDU) style, which is available at:

The below grade descriptors will be used to guide the allocation of your marks for this subject.

Grade Mark/ Grade Point Definition

85% - 100% 

Grade Point: 7.0 

Evidence that the student has demonstrated outstanding performance on all learning outcomes including considerable additional work in wider areas relevant to the topic and has demonstrated the acquisition of an advanced knowledge/ understanding required for meeting the learning outcomes at the highest level. The student would normally have consistently demonstrated a high level of proficiency at applying a range of major academic debates, approaches, methodologies and conceptual tools and combining knowledge of the subject with original creative thinking. 

75% - 84.9%

Grade Point: 6.0

Evidence that the student has demonstrated a high level of performance on all learning outcomes including considerable additional work in wider areas relevant to the topic and has demonstrated advanced knowledge/ understanding required for meeting the learning outcomes. The student would normally have attained an advanced knowledge of matter beyond that contained in set texts or reading materials and have demonstrated a broad familiarity with the ability to apply a range of major academic debates, approaches, methodologies and conceptual tools.

65% - 74.9%

Grade Point: 5.0

Evidence that the student has demonstrated a high level of performance on all learning outcomes or an outstanding performance on the majority including additional work in wider areas relevant to the topic and has demonstrated a sound level of knowledge/ understanding required for meeting the learning outcomes. The student would normally have attained a sound knowledge of matter contained in set texts and demonstrated familiarity with the ability to apply a range of major academic debates, approaches, methodologies and conceptual tools.

55% - 64.9%

Grade Point: 4.5

Evidence that the student has demonstrated a satisfactory performance on all learning outcomes, or high performance on some learning outcomes that compensates for unsatisfactory performance on others, resulting in an overall satisfactory performance. The student should have demonstrated an adequate knowledge of set texts/readings and demonstrated familiarity with major academic debates, approaches, methodologies and conceptual tools.

50% - 54.9%

Grade Point: 4.0

Evidence that the student has demonstrated a satisfactory performance on the majority of learning outcomes. The student should demonstrate an adequate knowledge of set texts/readings and demonstrated familiarity with major academic debates, approaches, methodologies and conceptual tools.

45% - 49.9%

Grade Point: 1.5

Evidence that the student has demonstrated unsatisfactory performance on a number of learning outcomes.

00% - 44.9%

Grade Point: 1.0

Evidence that the student has demonstrated unsatisfactory performance on the majority of learning outcomes.

Appealing a grade

Students have the ability to discuss individual assignment results with their lecturers. If the student has a concern which is not resolved by the subject lecturer, they can submit an appeal to the Academic Committee. The student must submit the appeal within two weeks of being advised of the final grade. A written submission to the Academic Committee via the Academic Committee email. It is highly advantageous that the student provide evidence to support the appeal. The Academic Committee shall review and approve student results, hear and determine student appeals and relevant student applications for extensions and for supplementary assessments. The Academic Committee shall recommend final grades to the Academic Board. The student may choose to attend the Academic Committee meeting. If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the Academic Committee, they can appeal the decision in line with the Academic Grievance Policy.

Submission dates and extensions

Failure to submit work by the nominated “due time and date” will result in a penalty of 5% of the total available mark for each and every day beyond the due time and date. An extension on the due time and date for an assignment or report may be granted by the subject lecturer for a period of up to two weeks. Written application on the appropriate ‘Extension Request’ form must be made a minimum of 5 days prior to the due date of the assessment, at which point a draft copy of work commenced must be presented to the subject lecturer.

All ICHM students are provided with access to their own dedicated ‘OneDrive’ account. It is the student’s responsibility to use this account to save and backup all written assessment work. Requests for extensions due to the loss of work based upon failing to use OneDrive will not be accepted.

If an extension greater than two weeks is required, an email request must be received by the Chair of the Academic Committee, Kellie Lumsden – Program Director Academic 5 days prior to the due date of the assessment, at which point a draft copy of work commenced must be presented.

If an extension is being sought based on medical grounds, the approved ICHM Medical Certificate form must be used to support this application.

If an extension is granted and the work is not submitted by the new, approved due time and date, a 0% will be recorded for the assessment point.

Supplementary Assessment

A subject lecturer may award a supplementary assessment where a student attains 45% to 49% in an assessment point. The supplementary assessment may be a resubmission of the original assessment piece. This supplementary assessment must be completed within 10 weekdays of the student being notified by the subject lecturer. Where a supplementary assessment has been awarded, the maximum mark achievable for the assessment point is 50%.

The Academic Committee may award a supplementary assessment when considering final results for subjects. Such supplementary assessments could be awarded on medical, compassionate, academic or other special considerations. Where a supplementary assessment has been awarded for the subject, the maximum mark achievable for the subject is 50%. A supplementary assessment must be submitted completed within 10 weekdays of the student being notified by the Academic Committee unless additional provisions have been made by the committee. Failure to submit by the revised due date will result in a fail grade of the supplementary assessment. Failure of the supplementary assessment will result in a fail grade for the subject.

In the granting of a supplementary assessment the full range of grades may be available for situations involving medical, compassionate or special considerations. This must be approved by the Academic Committee.

Submitting assessments

It is the responsibility of all students to safeguard against all potential breaches of Academic and Research Integrity. - Refer to the ICHM Learning Management System (LMS) for information on Assessment submissions. Your assessment will be run through Turnitin and in doing so, students are deemed to have declared that their assessment is entirely their own work upon submission. Furthermore, students are deemed to have declared that the work has not been previously submitted for a subject of the College, or any other educational institution.

Further information on submitting an assignment and checking for academic integrity using Turnitin can be found here

Trimester Overview

Week Topic Assessment
1 Topic 1: Step into the World of Marketing  
2 Topic 2: Forces to be Reckoned with  
3 Topic 3: Knowledge is Power  
4 Topic 4: Choose your Customer Assessment 1 due
5 Topic 5: Consumers under the Microscope   
6 Topic 6: Putting the Pro in Product   
7 Assessment feedback Assessment 2 due
8 Topic 7: The Price is Right  
9 Topic 8: Near, Far, Wherever they are  
10 Topic 9: #HearUsOut  
11 Topic 10: Putting it All Together  
12 Topic 11: Doing Well by Doing Good Assessment 3 Part 1 due
13 Assessment feedback Assessment 3 Part 2 due


Assessment tasks
Type Weight When assessed Subject Learning Outcomes Course Learning Outcomes Graduate Qualities

Reflective Journal (Individual) 1000 words

20% 27/06/22 a 2 2 2 1, 3 & 5
2 Marketing Analysis (Group) 2000 words 40% 18/07/22 a & b 2 & 3 2 & 3 2 & 3 1, 3, 4 & 5 

Marketing Plan (Individual) 1500 equivalent words


Part 1: TBA

Part 2: 31/08/22

b, c, d & e 1, 2, 3 & 5 1, 2, 3 & 5 1, 2, 3 & 5 1, 2, 4 & 5
Assessment title: When Will My Reflection Show? Assessment weighting: 20%
Assessment type: Reflective Journal (Individual) Word limit: 1000 words
DUE DATE: 27/06/2022
Assessment instruction

For this task, you are required to provide a discussion on the first three topics of MKT100, by reflecting on any personal learnings which corresponds with marketing, while considering it from multiple perspectives such as:

a) You as a consumer
b) You as a learner
c) You as a future marketing manager 

Through the reflective process, you should be able to explore and question your assumptions, develop opinions, and/or highlight insights you have gained. Here are some questions to get you started:

  • What were your assumptions of marketing and have they changed?
  • What are some aspects of marketing that you can observe from your daily life and are these practices informed by the theories you have learned?
  • How can you enhance your future learning about marketing?

You can draw upon the learning tasks and readings provided in class as well as your personal experiences to reflect on.

Assessment format

Reflective journal entry written in the first-person point of view.


Item Required? Y/N Word count inclusion? Y/N Lecturer comment
Title Page N N  
Executive Summary N N  
Table of Contents N N  
Introduction Y Y Reflective Journal
Body Y Y
Conclusion Y Y
Reference List Y N  
Appendices N N  
Specific line spacing N N  
Specific margins N N  
Min/max references Y N Minimum 5 references
Calibre of references Y N At least 2 of these must be from academic resources (Books or peer-reviewed journal articles).
Template in use N N  


Submission details:

Electronic copies of the assignment must be submitted by 23.59 on the due date. Do not ‘E-mail’ assignments, as they will not be accepted in this subject.

See the LMS on assessment submission instructions.


Assessment 1 Rubric

CRITERIA  Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction

Overall Understanding


Failure to cover the necessary topics and poor understanding of the main concepts. Marketing literature and terminology are not adequately incorporated.

Gives a basic review of the topics and displays some understanding of the main concepts. Marketing literature and terminology are adequately incorporated.


Review of the topics is generally adequate, going beyond the main points and displays a sound understanding of the main concepts. Marketing literature and terminologies are effectively incorporated.

All the necessary topics were covered and a good understanding of the main concepts was demonstrated. Marketing literature and terminology are very effectively incorporated.

All the necessary topics were covered and an excellent understanding of the main concepts was demonstrated. Marketing literature and terminology are expertly incorporated.

Quality of Reflection (50%)

No evidence of reflection is present and/or the reflection did not consider multiple perspectives. Reflection is at a superficial level. Personal assumptions and the development of opinions were not evident in the reflective practice.

Evidence of reflection is present, however limited perspectives were considered. Reflection is largely descriptive. Personal assumptions and the development of opinions were somewhat evident in the reflective practice.

Evidence of reflection is present, and a majority of perspectives were considered. Reflection is descriptive in some areas. Personal assumptions and the development of opinions were evident in the reflective practice.

Evidence of critical reflection is present, and multiple perspectives were considered. Reflection is analytical and insightful. Personal assumptions and the development of opinions were expressed very effectively in the reflective practice.

Strong evidence of critical reflection is present, and multiple perspectives were considered. Reflection is at a deep and highly critical level. Personal assumptions and the development of opinions were expertly expressed in the reflective practice.

Language Expression & Referencing Skills (20%)

Ineffective structure with poor punctuation, spelling and/or grammar.

Referencing requirements were not met and/or they were inconsistent with the CDU Harvard referencing style.

Adequate structure with occasional punctuation, spelling and grammatical errors.

Referencing requirements were met and they were used in accordance with the CDU Harvard referencing style with occasional errors.

Effective structure with accurate use of punctuation, spelling and grammar.

Referencing requirements were met and used in accordance with the CDU Harvard referencing style.

Very effective structure with good use of punctuation, spelling and grammar.

Good range of relevant references used in accordance with the CDU Harvard referencing style.

Outstanding structure with excellent use of punctuation, spelling, grammar.

Excellent range of relevant references used in accordance with the CDU Harvard referencing style.

Assessment title: The Dream Team Assessment weighting: 40%
Assessment type: Market Analysis Word limit: 2000 words
DUE DATE: 18/07/2022
Assessment instruction

The Director of Marketing from a Fortune Global 500 company has approached your team to join as external consultants to assist them in better understanding their customers and the landscape they operate in.

The deliverable at the conclusion of this project is a market analysis report and it must include the following elements:

a) Company Overview

A general description of the company including the products & services offered and the mission & vision of the company.

b) Industry Overview

A detailed snapshot of the associated industry including current industry conditions & outlook, size & expected growth, as well as any trends affecting the industry. 

c) Customer Profile

A detailed description of the target market including its demographics, motivations, frustrations, needs & wants, and purchasing behaviours. 

d) Competitive Landscape

A detailed analysis of the company’s two (2) major competitors including benchmarking and the identification of its strengths & weaknesses.

A diverse range of credible sources (e.g. peer-reviewed journal, news article, industry report) must be used to support your report. Your report should also be professional, engaging and informative to the readers.

Assessing group processes

As part of this ongoing group assessment, you will also be assessed via various methods on the effectiveness of your group and your performance working in a group, including lecturer observation and participation records. For the group assessment, you are required to complete the following:

a) Group Contract

Create a document highlighting the tasks, roles and responsibilities of each member, protocols or expected behaviours of all members, processes in place to mediate any disagreements or breaches of contract.

b) Self-Reflection

Write a critical reflection on what you have done well and what are some areas of improvement for upcoming assessments.

c) Peer-Evaluation & Feedback

You will need to provide a rating to each of your peers on a scale of 1 – 10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest) based on their contributions to the group, from your perspective. Ratings will be aggregated and the score you receive is relative to those of your peers.

The sample scoring below illustrates an example whereby Students A & B have contributed a good amount to the group, Student C is a critical contributor to the group, whilst Student D may not be proactively contributing.

Sample Scoring
Student A B C D Individual total Total Marks (5%)
A   8 8 8 24 4.1
B 6   8 7 21 3.6
C 10 10   9 29 5.0
D 6 6 5   17 2.9


As part of the peer-evaluation, you will need to provide effective and constructive feedback to your peers based on your ratings.

Assessment format

Market analysis report suggested structure:

  1. Title Page
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Introduction (including Company Overview)
  5. Industry Overview
  6. Customer Profile
  7. Competitive Landscape
  8. Conclusion
  9. References
  10. Appendices (if used)


Item Required? Y/N Word count inclusion? Y/N Lecturer comment
Title Page Y N  
Executive Summary Y N  
Table of Contents Y N  
Introduction Y Y Report format as specified above
Body Y Y
Conclusion Y Y
Reference List Y N  
Appendices N N Optional
Specific line spacing N N  
Specific margins N N  
Min/max references Y N Minimum 8 references
Calibre of references Y N References including journals, textbooks, government reports, industry association documents, specific websites and brochures.
Template in use N N  


Submission details:

Electronic copies of the assignment must be submitted by 23.59 on the due date. Do not ‘E-mail’ assignments, as they will not be accepted in this subject.

See the LMS on assessment submission instructions.

Assessment 2 Rubric

Criteria Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction

Quality of Discussion & Analysis


Failure to perform market analysis and to understand the target market, based on the chosen company.

No appropriate discussions were presented and/or they were not justified with adequate research and the analysis.

The market analysis was limited or straightforward and a basic understanding of target market was demonstrated, based on the chosen company.

Basic discussions provided but they were not always supported by research and the analysis.

The market analysis was performed adequately and a good understanding of target market was demonstrated, based on the chosen company.

The discussions were sound but could benefit from more thorough research and supported better by the analysis.

The market analysis was performed well and an excellent understanding of target market was clearly demonstrated, based on the chosen company.

The discussions were well developed and were supported by thorough research and the analysis.

The market analysis was performed exceptionally well and a comprehensive understanding of target market was clearly demonstrated, based on the chosen company.

The discussions were exceptional and were supported by outstanding research and critical analysis.

Written Expression, Presentation & Referencing


Ineffective expression and structure with poor punctuation, spelling and/or grammar. The report is generally disorganised and difficult to read. Presentation is not professional enough.

CDU Harvard in-text referencing and/or reference list is often incorrect.

Adequate expression and structure with occasional punctuation, spelling and grammatical errors. The presentation is adequate though needs to be improved.

Mostly correct CDU Harvard in-text referencing and reference list, with the occasional major errors.

Effective expression and structure with accurate use of punctuation, spelling and grammar. Presentation is professional though could be more engaging. Mostly correct CDU Harvard in-text referencing and reference list, with occasional minor errors.

Very sound expression that is tailored to the management team. Good structure and use of punctuation, spelling and grammar. Presentation is professional and engaging. CDU Harvard in-text referencing and the resultant reference list are correct, with only the occasional minor errors.

Outstanding expression that is fully tailored to the management team. Excellent structure and use of punctuation, spelling and grammar. Presentation is professional and highly engaging. CDU Harvard in-text referencing and the resultant reference list are correct and consistent.


Group Contract


Failure to negotiate and complete the group contract as a team with the details of responsibilities and duties.

Negotiated and completed the group contract as a team but failed to clearly identify all the responsibilities and duties of each team member.

Negotiated and completed the group contract as a team, but with ambiguity about the responsibilities and duties of each team member.

Negotiated and completed the group contract as a team, detailing the responsibilities and duties of each group member.

Excellent negotiation and completed the group contract as a team, detailing the responsibilities and duties of each group member. Each member’s strengths and weaknesses were considered.



Failure to articulate what worked well and why, what did not work well and why, and ways to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the group process in the future. Does not relate self-reflection to personal learning outcomes at all. Soundly articulates what worked well and why, what did not work well and why, and ways to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the group process in the future. Does not clearly relate self-reflection to personal learning outcomes. Clearly articulates what worked well and why, what did not work well and why, and ways to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the group process in the future, considering self as well as others. Relates self-reflection to personal learning outcomes Accurately articulates what worked well and why, what did not work well and why, and ways to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the group process in the future, considering self as well as others. Relates self-reflection to personal learning outcomes and potential industry implications. Expertly articulates what worked well and why, what did not work well and why, and ways to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the group process in the future, considering self as well as others. Relates self-reflection to personal learning outcomes and potential industry implications.

Peer-evaluation & Feedback


The student did not consider the needs of peers and failed to demonstrate professionalism. The student failed to provide relevant feedback. The student mostly anticipated the needs of peers and demonstrated professionalism. The student provided feedback but the language could be more constructive. The student often anticipated the needs of peers and demonstrated professionalism. The student provided constructive feedback. The student anticipated the needs of peers and demonstrated professionalism. The student provided detailed and constructive feedback. The student anticipated the needs of peers and demonstrated professionalism. at all times. The student provided valuable, insightful and highly constructive feedback.



This student did not demonstrate collaboration, engagement and negotiation skills with either teaching staff or peers inside and outside the classroom. The student did not consider the needs of peers and failed to demonstrate professionalism. The student’s overall performance did not meet the expectations of the team, and the overall performance was poor. This student demonstrated adequate collaboration, engagement and negotiation skills with both teaching staff and peers inside and outside the classroom. The student mostly anticipated the needs of peers and demonstrated professionalism. The student did not always meet the expectations of the team, and overall performance can be improved. This student demonstrated suitable collaboration, engagement and negotiation skills with both teaching staff and peers inside and outside the classroom. The student often anticipated the needs of peers and demonstrated professionalism. The student added value to the team, but the overall performance can be improved. This student demonstrated effective collaboration, engagement and negotiation skills with both teaching staff and peers inside and outside the classroom. The student anticipated the needs of peers and demonstrated professionalism. Overall, the student added value to the team. This student demonstrated excellent collaboration, engagement and negotiation skills with both teaching staff and peers inside and outside the classroom. The student anticipated the needs of peers and demonstrated professionalism at all times. Overall, the student was a valuable member of the team.
Assessment title: Sell Us The Plan! Assessment weighting: 40%
Assessment type: Marketing Plan (Individual) Word limit: 1500 equivalent


Part 1: TBA

Part 2: 31/08/2022

Assessment instruction 

The client from the Fortune Global 500 company was pleased with your previous work and has once again approached each of you for more individual project work.

The deliverable at the conclusion of this project is a presentation of the marketing plan to the executives.

As part of your marketing plan and presentation, you will need to:

  • set key objectives and goals;
  • provide recommendations as to how the business can achieve the key objectives and goals you have set; and
  • include any marketing collaterals/artefacts you see fit (e.g. social media post, drafted email campaigns, video advertisement).


Your recommendations should be supported by the marketing concepts and theories covered in the course. You are encouraged to use the market analysis report from Assessment 2 to inform your key objectives and goals.

You are also responsible for presenting the marketing plan you have produced to the Director of Marketing and their executives. Presenting to different stakeholders will require you to tailor your message to the target audience and use appropriate language. For example, having branded slides or presenting in a persuasive style.

Assessment format

An engaging presentation lasting 10-15 minutes (maximum) with slides through video conferencing.

A copy of the slides including any notes must be submitted via Turnitin before the presentation.


Item Required? Y/N Word count inclusion? Y/N Lecturer comment
Title Page N N  
Executive Summary N N  
Table of Contents N N  
Introduction Y Y Presentation format
Body Y Y
Conclusion Y Y
Reference List Y N  
Appendices N N Optional
Specific line spacing N N  
Specific margins N N  
Min/max references Y N Minimum 8 references
Calibre of references Y N At least 5 of these must be from academic resources (Books or peer-reviewed journal articles). 
Template in use N N  


Submission details:

Electronic copies of the assignment must be submitted by 23.59 on the due date. Do not ‘E-mail’ assignments, as they will not be accepted in this subject.

See the LMS on assessment submission instructions.


Assessment 3 Rubric

Criteria Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction

Objectives & Goals Setting


The objectives and goals of the marketing plan are missing and/or irrelevant. They are unsuitable for the business and the environment in which it operates in. The objectives and goals of the marketing plan are stated but unclear or irrelevant in some areas. They are somewhat suitable for the business and the environment in which it operates in. The objectives and goals of the marketing plan are clearly stated and mostly achievable. They are suitable for the business and the environment in which it operates in. The objectives and goals of the marketing plan are clearly stated, logical and achievable. They are important for the business and the environment in which it operates in. The objectives and goals of the marketing plan are clearly defined, strategic, realistic and achievable. They are very important for the business and the environment in which it operates in.



Insufficient recommendations have been provided or the recommendations provided are illogical given the objectives. The goals of the marketing plan are very unlikely to be achieved.

Adequate recommendations have been set out but overall, lacked details and did not always align with the objectives. The goals of the marketing plan may possibly be achieved.

Sound recommendations that are aligned with the objectives have been developed but additional details could have been provided. The goals of the marketing plan are likely to be achieved.

Clearly defined and realistic recommendations that are aligned with the objectives have been developed. The goals of the marketing plan are very likely to be achieved.

Elaborate and highly realistic recommendations that are strongly aligned with the objectives have been developed. The goals of the marketing plan are almost certain to be achieved.

Research & Support



Inadequate ability to research appropriate sources shown. The application of concepts and theories was missing. Examples that are not relevant were used, or insufficient evidence was provided to support the report. The calibre of research is below expectation.

Adequate amount of research shown in the report. Only key concepts and theories were applied. Sufficient examples are used to support the main points. Examples are provided to support the main ideas. There is a connection to theory and validation of examples. Sound research shown in the report beyond the basic requirements. The application of concepts and theories was undertaken well. Relevant examples are provided to support the ideas. A good variety of sources was used to build and support the ideas. Displays a level of academic rigour. The report is clearly developed to a high level. The application of concepts and theories was undertaken very well. Research has been developed beyond the set texts, reading materials and basic concepts covered in class. The examples provided are timely, relevant and support a strong overall argument, adding weight to the ideas. Displays a high-level of academic rigour.

It is clear that considerable additional work and judicious levels of research have been undertaken. The application of concepts and theories was undertaken exceptionally well. Ideas have been supported in an astute manner and excellent examples were provided to support the discussion throughout the paper. Displays a very high-level of academic rigour.

Presentation Skills & Communication Style


Presentation is lacking in coherence. Presentation is not polished. Does not adhere to the prescribed time limit. Speaker does not enunciate well nor maintain an effective pace and overall is not fluent in the delivery. Presentation is coherent for the most part, however missing one or two of the following elements; clear introduction, transitions, language use, and conclusion. Speaker demonstrates adequate knowledge of the subject. Presentation is polished for the most part, however missing one or more of the following elements; speaker uses sentences, enunciates well, is fluent in the delivery, and maintains an effective pace. Doesn’t run over allotted time. Presentation is coherent, with clear introduction, transitions, language use, and conclusion; speaker demonstrates intimate knowledge of the subject. Presentation is polished, speaker uses sentences, enunciates well, is fluent in the delivery, maintains an effective pace, and doesn’t run over allotted time. Presentation shows great clarity -explains ideas well, integrates with slides, clear introduction and conclusion, obvious transitions, no use of jargon, demonstrates knowledge of key points, responds well to questions. Presentation shows great style; speaks in sentences, clear enunciation, and fluent delivery, well-paced, fits time requirement, clearly practised. Presentation shows exceptional clarity - explains ideas well, integrates with slides, clear introduction and conclusion, obvious transitions, no use of jargon, demonstrates knowledge of key points, responds well to questions. Presentation shows exceptional style; speaks in sentences, clear enunciation, and fluent delivery, well-paced, fits time requirement, clearly practised.

Presentation Design & Referencing


Poor use and compilation of visual aids. Poor punctuation, spelling and/or grammar.

Referencing requirements were not met and/or they were inconsistent with the CDU Harvard referencing style.

Average use and compilation of visual aids. Occasional punctuation, spelling and grammatical errors.

Referencing requirements were met and they were used in accordance with the CDU Harvard referencing style with some occasional errors.

Good use and compilation of visual aids. Accurate use of punctuation, spelling and grammar.

Referencing requirements were met and they were used in accordance with the CDU Harvard referencing style.

Great use and compilation of visual aids.

Great use of punctuation, spelling and grammar.

Good range of relevant references that were used in accordance with the CDU Harvard referencing style.

Exceptional use and compilation of visual aids. Excellent use of punctuation, spelling, grammar.

Excellent range of relevant references that were used in accordance with the CDU Harvard referencing style.

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