Effective Academic Writing

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Tue, 10/05/2021 - 17:45
Sub Topics

Welcome to Topic 3: Effective Academic Writing. This topic will give you the tools and skills to write essays, reports, plans, literature reviews and self-reflections. You will also have more practice in paraphrasing and in-text citations.

In this topic, you will learn about:

  • The differences between essay and report writing
  • Using the TEEL framework to structure your paragraphs
  • Introductions and conclusions
  • Using the above skills to work on literature reviews and self-reflections.

These relate to the Subject Learning Outcomes:

  1. Discuss the written, verbal, listening and non-verbal communication skills in academic, professional and intercultural settings.
  2. Outline the critical thinking and academic research skills required to make informed decisions.

Welcome to your pre-seminar learning tasks for this week. Please ensure you complete these prior to attending your scheduled seminar with your lecturer.

Click on each of the following headings to read more about what is required for each of your pre-seminar learning tasks.

  1. Why should you learn to write? – Watch ‘Jordan Peterson on the power of writing’ by Jordan Peterson on how you can win your battles through effective writing skills.
  2. Using TEEL to structure your writing - Watch ‘How to make TEEL burgers (body paragraphs)’, which provides an engaging overview regarding how to structure your paragraphs well.
  3. More practice with TEEL - Watch this short video by Di Terlizzi, C 2019 ‘How to write a TEEL paragraph about anything’ and enjoy practicing TEEL.
  4. Useful language – Watch the following short video ‘6 great verbs for TEEL paragraphs’, which provides some good verbs to use in your writing.
  5. The Executive Summary – Watch ‘Report writing made simple – The executive summary’, a short video on what an executive summary is and how to write one.

Correct language - is accuracy essential?

Take part in an interactive self-test 'The Business Student's Guide to Study and Employability' to determine how strong you are in your accuracy of writing.

A hipster businessman reading an article on a tablet device and jotting notes

What is academic writing?

The ability to write both clearly and effectively is an important skill to develop throughout your studies. Most of your subjects will require you to compose a document such as an assignment or a report. This topic is designed to help you develop the knowledge and skills to write effectively for academic purposes. It also aims to expose you to the writing process to expand your knowledge and experience. Through the activities undertaken, you might discover that you have your own way of writing that is reflective of you and/or your culture.

A diagram showing the parts of academic writing

Writing assignments provides you with the opportunity to expand your understanding of a subject area. This is undertaken through your engagement with the provided course materials such as lectures, tutorial activities and readings to further expand your knowledge. Additionally, your learning can become personalised as you pursue a specific area of interest.

Now that you understand why you are asked to write assessments, this section will provide you with the knowledge on how to do this. There are three steps to the writing process as shown below.

A diagram showing the writing process
  1. Pre-writing
    • Clarify the task
    • Gather ideas
    • Organise
  2. Drafting
    • Write the introduction, body and conclusion.
  3. Reviewing and rewriting
    • Review structure and content
    • Proofread
    • Make final corrections.


Before undertaking any assessment, it is important to carefully look at what the task is asking you to do. Make sure you take the time to understand the question. There are usually some keywords you can look out for that clarify what you must do.

Clarifying the task

What is the key concept or the topic? These are the main words in the assessment that will direct you to the information required. It can also give you background information further required by the task.

Look for the limiting words or phrases. These will be the focus of the task. Take note of them as they will ensure that the information you present in your assignment is relevant and stays within the topic.

Find the instruction words. These will tell you how you are to undertake the assessment and the type of response expected. They will also guide you on how the information should be presented. The following table provides some examples of instruction words and their definitions.

Instructions  Meaning  
analyse   break down and identify all components and how they relate to each other then make a summary
argue   present a case either for and or against something  
assess   decide on the value of something  
briefly comment   make critical observations about the subject matter  
briefly explain   as above to a lesser degree  
compare   discuss the differences between…  
critically evaluate make judgements and support this with evidence  
define   provide a meaning for something; exploration of a concept  
describe   give a detailed account  
discuss   present a point of view, that of others and/or your own – support this with argument and/ or evidence  
evaluate   look at the advantages and disadvantages and come to a valid conclusion  
examine   inspect in detail and consider what the implications are  
explain   analyse the ‘why’ and/or ‘how’ of the issue (i.e. clarify reasons, give causes, effects, and draw inferences)
identify   point out and describe  
illustrate   provide examples to explain a concept   
interpret   provide the meaning and what the implications are  
justify   make a logical argument to support your position  
list   give the bare essentials  
outline   briefly identify the main features 
prove   provide logical argument  
review   provide key information   
summarise   describe something in a concise manner  
Adapted from Understanding assignments and instruction words by University of South Australia, 2015.
Gather ideas

Finding information is vital to your studies. It is essential to learn how to get the best information in the most efficient manner. Similarly, knowing how to use information is equally important, before writing your assessment.

Firstly, begin by gaining a clear understanding of the topic and consider its key concepts. This includes thinking about why, what, when, how and where. Then you may want to note what you already know or use a mind map to visually present the concepts and its interrelationships. Through this process, you may have thought of topics you need to understand further. Note this so you can further investigate it to gain a deeper understanding of the assessment topic.


Remember to consider the requirements of the task such as the format and the word count. This will help you determine whether to present information broadly, or in a more in-depth manner by choosing an area to focus on. The following questions will help you to think about this further:

  1. Should I focus on presenting a broad overview of the topic, or just focus on exploring one or two areas in depth?
  2. How many ideas can I convey?
  3. How much information am I able to present?

After this, you can start gathering information. As you critically read information, identify resources/sources undertaken by others on your topic. Locate or identify information that is relevant to the focus of your assessment or report. Consider how this relates to the concept you are studying. Question this information and contemplate its relation to what you know and have experienced. Through considering all the information, identify your position on the topic or your personal point of view. Be mindful that this may change as you gain a deeper understanding of your topic, but keep your focus on the question as this will ensure that you are clear in your thinking and will direct the information you read. Remember that if the concept or information isn’t clear to you, then your writing will also lack clarity.


Remember, with each information you gather, it is important to reflect on it and evaluate it. Consider the quality of information you find and its usefulness. Do you have enough evidence and examples? Are you able to present multiple perspectives on the topic? Has the information you found influenced the way you think? Has it clarified your argument?

Be mindful that not all information you find will be suitable.

Use skimming and scanning techniques to decide which items you will use and which you will discard.


Careful planning helps prevent repetition, it clarifies your thinking, and it helps you organise the material. Whether you are writing a report or an essay, it is important to present your position to the reader (your lecturer in this instance). Your aim, therefore, should be to persuade your reader via your writing. This means your point of view needs to be presented in a manner that is logical and well-reasoned. It should be written in a convincing way wherein your points are supported by evidence through citing other people’s work and examples and is finished off with a concluding sentence.

 Identify whether the ideas you have found either support, or do not support, your conclusions. This is important while you are organising and planning for your written work as each argument you provide should be based on solid evidence. This means that you need to carefully choose the evidence and how it will be presented, and whether it either does or does not support your views. Consider any information you find and ask the following:

  • What evidence is it based on?
  • Why are any alternative arguments less convincing?

Remember, to be creative in using theories and cases to develop arguments.

It is expected that you can translate your ideas in a structured, cogent and balanced manner.

Don’t forget to reference because this is very important at tertiary level.


Now that you have collected enough information, it is important to gain an understanding of what academic writing requires.  According to Monash University (2019a), academic writing is a distinct style of writing used by students in university wherein the language utilised is formal, objective and impersonal. Click each of the following headings to learn more about the requirements of academic writing:

Academic writing is presented in a manner which is formal. This means that it avoids casual or ‘conversational’ language. It requires that you use the full form of the word instead of contractions. We write “do not” instead of “don’t” for example. It is important to avoid the use of informal or colloquial language and to use terms specific to your discipline. For example, "somewhat" is more formal than "a bit", "offspring" is more formal than "babies", "insufficient" is more formal than "not enough".

Academic writing is objective and presents information that is unbiased, based on facts and evidence. It is not influenced by personal feelings (Monash University 2019).

Academic language is impersonal wherein you do not refer to yourself as the one undertaking the actions. This means that personal pronouns such as “I”, “you” and “we” are avoided. Below are some examples of what to avoid and the preferred alternatives.

Example: How to avoid personal pronouns

  1. Using passive voice:
    • We gathered information with the use of… (active voice)
    • The information was gathered with the use of… (passive voice)
  2. Using third person:
    • I found out that…
    • Research reveals that…
  3. Making things rather than people the object of sentences:
    • I will show… 
    • The report will show…

Writing an introduction

An introduction should provide your reader with a clear and summarised overview of the information in your essay. Typically, it provides some background information on your topic. This would pertain to the key problem or issue being addressed and why it is important to address this. According to Monash University (2019b) this is usually structured in such a way that information is presented from a ‘general to a specific’ perspective. This means that you can even include in your introduction the scope of your essay because it will be very difficult to cover everything about a topic. Then this is followed by a statement of what the focus of your essay is. You might even state here what your opinion is on the topic and the outline of the main points you are going to make.

Quick tip

It is easier to write the introduction once you have drafted the body of your essay because you cannot outline the main points without having written it first.

The body

The body of your essay is where you present and develop the points you are making, to answer the problem or the issue. To help you structure your writing, it is good to plan the information you will present by writing section headings. This will help you decide the order in which you present each point.

As you develop your first draft, it is important to ensure that your paragraph is structured appropriately. According to Zemach and Rumisek (2009), a paragraph is a group of sentences on the same topic which is usually five to ten sentences long. This usually begins with a topic sentence that presents the main idea of the paragraph. This is followed by supporting sentences which are basically sentences that give more detail. Then a concluding sentence is used to finish a paragraph which usually repeats the main idea or gives a final statement about the topic. It is recommended that you use the TEEL approach to organise your paragraph.

A diagram explaining paragraph structure

This is the opening sentence that summarises the paragraph. In it, you mention the key points you are going to present in the paragraph. This is usually written in a general and clear manner.

This section is where you elaborate on the topic sentence. You might provide additional details, or a definition, but make sure you relate this to the main point you are making or the question you are answering.

This pertains to specific examples from other text that support your points. It might include statistics/data, quotes, events, cases, examples which are used to further develop the points you are presenting. This could also include not just the perspectives of others, but your own too.

This is the concluding sentence of your paragraph which serves as a link to your topic sentence, the question or your proposition statement. You need to use key terms in forming this.



Remember to use the TEEL approach for each paragraph in the body of your assessment. This will help support the points you are trying to develop.

The following image shows that the ‘body’ is the main section of your essay. 80% of the word count is allocated to this section. Therefore, it is important that you spend time to develop your ideas in the body of your essay.

A diagram of the construction of a sample essay

Adapted from Structuring the Essay by Monash University of South Australia, 2019.


Introduction: this would typically form the first paragraph of your works and compose approximately 10% of your overall wordcount. This should provide context, an outline of your essay structure, and present your argument.

Body: the body of your essay should be a sequence of points, linked into paragraphs that together build an argument. The body of your essay would typically attribute to 80% of your overall wordcount.

Conclusion: here is where you re-sate your position, sum up your argument and reflect on broader significance or implications. Typically, this would complete approximately 10% of your word count and run for 1-2 paragraphs.

Adapted from Structuring the Essay by Monash University of South Australia, 2019.

Writing the conclusion

The purpose of the conclusion is to bring together the main ideas you have presented in the body of your essay. This means that it goes from a ‘specific to general’ structure. Usually, the problem and your statement are restated, then it summarises the points you have raised in the body and ends with a final resolution to the question or problem.


Remember, the conclusion is not the place to introduce new ideas. It is mainly a section wherein you reiterate the main themes discussed in the essay and explain their implications.

Reviewing and rewriting

Once you have written your first draft, you can now develop and improve on it. You can change the style of your writing through editing. This is the time to make sure that it is formal.

Make sure that your points are clear to your reader (your lecturer in this instance). Consider whether you have used examples and evidence to support your points. Is the information presented in each paragraph relevant? Does it answer the assessment question? Are your points clear and coherent? Revisit the Study Guide to make sure that what you have written addresses the question, the learning outcomes and the assessment criteria. This is the time or opportunity to decide whether the information you have written is essential to the assessment.

Structuring assessments

During your study, there will be two main types of assessment you will encounter.

  1. Essays
  2. Reports.

This section will explain what each type of assessment is and how they are similar, or different.


According to the University of Portsmouth (2015), an essay is usually a piece of continuous prose that uses paragraphed text which is uninterrupted by headings. It usually guides the reader from the issue raised in the title to a conclusion by developing a clear and logical line of thought so that the reader is not side-tracked by points that are not directly relevant, generally flows without interruption.


A report is a type of written communication used to provide concise information on a specific subject (Summers & Smith 2014). It presents factual information in an organised manner which provides information relating to an objective opinion on an issue or problem or judgement based on the information found as well as recommendations. This is typically a type of writing used in the workplace and is requested by senior management as a project or a task. It is often commissioned to assist in decision making.

Reports may be written in a number of ways depending on your subject, purpose and audience. The following are the sections and sub-sections which typically appear in reports (Summers & Smith 2014).

  • Executive Summary is a summary of the whole report, and it explains the purpose, the analytical process, the findings and the recommendations. The goal of the ‘Executive Summary’ is to motivate the reader to read the full report. Therefore, you should write this last.
  • Table of Contents is a list containing the name of each part of the report as well as the headings (within the body) and the page on which each occurs. This is easily automated via the use of Headings in Microsoft Word.
  • The introduction is the section that identifies the report’s purpose and authorisation, limitations and scope.
    • Purpose and authorisation provide the reader with details about who has commissioned the report, and why it was written.
    • Limitations refer to difficulties encountered during the production of the report which may affect its results or the ability of the writer to complete the report. This usually refers to issues encountered during data collection, availability or access to information and confidentiality of information.
    • The scope of the report provides a summary of the range of information presented in the report. Details such as how it will be presented, where the information comes from and how it will be gathered are stated.
  • The body is the most important part of the report wherein the discussions and the analysis of the problem or the issue are presented. Similar to the body of an essay, you may want to use the TEEL approach in structuring your paragraphs. In addition to the use of information from other sources and examples as evidence, you may also present tables, charts and other diagrams to further explain the points you are raising. Headings and subheadings can also be used to organise information which helps to identify each section and to introduce new ideas or directions in your writing.
  • A Conclusion provides a summary of the main points or findings of the report. It is usually based on information presented in the body. Specifically, it outlines whether the purpose of the report was fulfilled and how this was addressed. It will also highlight the key findings and its implications as presented in the body of the report. It is important not to introduce new information or ideas in this section.
  • Recommendations is the section where options relating to the problem or issue being discussed are provided. It usually contains statements outlining a specific course of action. Details of how recommendations are to be implemented, as well as their implications, may also be provided.
  • The reference list is an alphabetical listing of any material cited in the report.
  • Appendices contain information that is too large to include in the body of the report because it would distract the reader. However, this information is part of the discussion of the report and direct references are made in the main body of the report to each appendix. There is no limit to the number of appendices you can use. It is important to make sure that any appendix you include is relevant to the information.

Typically, each appendix begins on a new page with each containing a major piece of information. However, if the information is interrelated, then it can contain more than one piece of information.


Remember that the presentation and style of your report are important. First impressions count, so consider these simple tips:

  • Allow for appropriate spacing
  • Ensure the separate parts of your report are clearly identified
  • Use subheadings
  • Allow generous spacing between the elements of your report
  • Use dot points/numbers/letters to articulate these elements
  • Use tables and figures (graphs, illustrations, maps etc.) for clarification
  • Number each page
  • Use consistent and appropriate formatting
  • Use formal language

Avoid these:

  • The inclusion of careless, inaccurate, or conflicting data
  • The inclusion of outdated or irrelevant data
  • Facts and opinions that are not corroborated
  • Unsupported conclusions and recommendations
  • Careless presentation and proof-reading
  • Too much emphasis on appearance and not enough on content

Writing assessments

It is evident from the information presented above that there are similarities and differences between an essay and report. As a university student, it is important for you to develop the skill to write both assessment types not just for your academic success: this skill will be also utilised in the world of work later on!

As a university student, you are expected to have the skills and knowledge to collect and study information from numerous sources.

One of the steps before writing your assessment is to clarify the task. It is important to have a good understanding of what you are being asked to do before searching a database for journals or news articles. As the image below shows that through doing some background reading, you will be able to gain a deeper level of understanding.The deeper level of knowledge is inclusive of the background reading, understanding the task and understanding the concepts.

A diagram explaining how to gain a deeper level of knowledge
Understanding the task

Gain an understanding of the actions required for the topic. Consider the limiting and instruction words. Take note of this because it will ensure that the information you present in your assessment is relevant and stays within the requirements of the task.

Background reading

It is important to gain an overview of the research topic. It helps you to gain an understanding of relevant concepts and identify potential search terms. At times, the information you get through undertaking this process also serves as the initial sources of relevant information for your assessment. This includes readings your lecturer has recommended or relevant sections of your textbook.

Understanding the concepts

Knowing the key concepts will help you to identify key terms related to your topic. This will allow you to have a more comprehensive search for relevant information. This provides an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the key concepts being addressed by the assessment.

Developing your academic writing skills will require time and effort, however, if you put the work in early the outcomes will be greatly beneficial to your learning experiences. Good academic writing is expected in all subjects and at all levels of your higher education pathway. A focus on developing these skills early will ensure you can meet the standards and expectations required in the higher education environment. Continue to use the TEEL approach when organising your paragraphs in each subject. The concepts will soon become second nature as your academic writing skills develop and you undertake a variety of assessments. It is also important to note that support is available every step of the way during your learning journey. If concepts relating to academic writing are not clear then make sure you seek help early and continue to refer back to these key topics.

Knowledge check

Complete the following five tasks. Click the arrows to navigate between the tasks.

Key takeouts

Congratulations, we made it to the end of Topic 3! Some key takeouts from Topic 3:

  • Academic writing is an important skill to develop. This is a distinct writing style wherein the language used is formal, objective and impersonal.
  • It is recommended that you use the TEEL approach in organising your paragraphs. This will help you to highlight your main points with an emphasis on the presentation of evidence and examples to support your ideas or arguments.
  • There are similarities and differences between an essay and a report. Understanding what these are will enable you to write your assessment in an effective manner.

Welcome to your seminar for this topic. Your lecturer will start a video stream during your scheduled class time, you can access your scheduled class by clicking on ‘Live Sessions’ found within your navigation bar and locating the relevant day/class or by clicking on the following link and then click 'Join' to enter the class.

Click here to access your seminar.

The learning tasks are listed below, these will be completed during the seminar with your lecturer. Should you be unable to attend, you will be able to watch the recording which can be found via the following link or by navigating to the class through ‘Live Sessions’ via your navigation bar.

Click here to access the recording. (Please note: this will be available shortly after the live session has ended.)

In-seminar learning tasks

The in-seminar learning tasks identified below will be completed during the scheduled seminar. Your lecturer will guide you through these tasks. Click on each of the following headings to read more about the requirements for each of your in-seminar learning tasks.

Working in a breakout room assigned by your lecturer during the scheduled seminar, use the Assignment Planner template (see Additional resources) and break down the requirements for the essay discussed in class.

Continue to work in your breakout room and use the Assignment Planner template (see Additional resources) to break down the requirements for the report discussed in class.

Using TEEL, plan out your first body paragraph for the essay discussed in class.

Using TEEL, plan out your first body paragraph for the report discussed in class.

Welcome to your post-seminar learning tasks for this week. Please ensure you complete these after attending your scheduled seminar with your lecturer. Your lecturer will advise you if any of these are to be completed during your consultation session. Click on each of the following headings to read more about the requirements for each of your post-seminar learning tasks.

Collate the information from the Assignment Planner (see additional resources) and the learning in your seminar to develop a reflection on this topic. Use Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle to plan your writing and make sure you have included all components.

Complete Discussion Forum "Topic 3: Forum Activity 1'.

Use your own self-assessment checklist to comment on one (1) other mini-presentation you see in the Discussion Forum. Make sure the person knows you are going to comment and be constructive.

Let us explore referencing. Take the CDU Harvard Referencing Quiz to see what you already know about refrencing. Then, explore the website to learn more about referencing.

Start your draft for Assessment 2 and formulate any questions you might have for your lecturer.

Each week you will have a consultation session which will be facilitated by your lecturer. You can join in and work with your peers on activities relating to this subject. These session times and activities will be communicated to you by your lecturer each week. Your lecturer will start a video stream during your scheduled class time, you can access your scheduled class by clicking on ‘Live Sessions’ found within your navigation bar and locating the relevant day/class or by clicking on the following link and then click 'Join' to enter the class.

Click here to access your seminar.

Should you be unable to attend, you will be able to watch the recording which can be found via the following link or by navigating to the class through ‘Live Sessions’ via your navigation bar.

Click here to access the recording. (Please note: this will be available shortly after the live session has ended.)

The following resources are useful tools for planning your assessments.

  • Assignment Planner
  • What does good writing look like? - Read Morgan, P 2020. The business student′s guide to study and employability, Sage, ch. 7, pp. 1-11 for the definition of an essay.
  • Language for writing. Read the prescribed text, Dwyer, J 2016, Communication for business and the professions: Strategies and skills, Pearson, ch. 19, pp. 455-457 about the kind of language that is most needed for effective writing.
  • Clear language. How can we make our messages clear to our audiences? When is jargon OK? Read the prescribed text, Dwyer, J 2016, Communication for business and the professions: Strategies and skills, Pearson, pp. 457-459.
  • Read Morgan, P 2020. The business student′s guide to study and employability, Sage, ch. 7, pp. 16-20 for information about how to structure of your writing.
  • Test your application of grammar, spelling and punctuation with these Interactive Self-Testing Activities.


  • Di Terlizzi, C 2019, How to write a TEEL paragraph about anything, streaming video, YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XARYyjFpYu8
  • Gill 2020, How to make TEEL burgers (body paragraphs), streaming video, YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=husho5ZKNoA
  • Monash University 2019, Features of academic writing, https://www.monash.edu/rlo/research-writing-assignments/writing/features-of-academic Monash -writing
  • Monash University 2019a, Structuring the essay, https://www.monash.edu/rlo/assignment-samples/assignment-types/writing-an-essay/structuring-the-essay
  • Monash University 2019b, Writing the introduction, https://www.monash.edu/rlo/assignment-samples/assignment-types/writing-an-essay/writing-the-introduction
  • NPBComm2 2018, Report writing made simple – The executive summary, streaming video, YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wnti0C-ra-A
  • Open Learn 2018, Critical reading and writing, https://www.open.edu/openlearn/ocw/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=51388
  • Peterson, J 2017, Jordan Peterson on the power of writing, streaming video, YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfDOoADCfkg
  • Summers, J & Smith, B 2014, Communication skills handbook, 4th edn., John Wiley & Sons.
  • Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency [TEQSA] 2017, Guidance note: academic integrity, https://www.teqsa.gov.au/latest-news/publications/guidance-note-academic-integrity
  • TSE Tuition 2019, 6 great verbs for TEEL paragraphs, streaming video, YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgLpPLqHUQc
  • The University of Sydney 2019, Writing essays, reports or other specific types of texts, http://sydney.edu.au/stuserv/learning_centre/help/writing/writing.shtml
  • University of Portsmouth 2015, Written assignments reports and essays: key differences, http://www2.port.ac.uk/media/contacts-and-departments/student-support-services/ask/downloads/Reports-and-essays---key-differences.pdf
  • University of South Australia 2015, Understanding assignments and instruction words, https://lo.unisa.edu.au/pluginfile.php/498830/mod_resource/content/2/Understanding%20assignments%20and%20instruction%20words%20Nov%202015.pdf
  • Zemach, DE & Rumisek, LA 2009, Academic writing from paragraph to essay, 2nd edn., Macmillan Publishers Limited.
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