References and Copyright

Submitted by matt.willis@up… on Sun, 10/10/2021 - 16:27
Sub Topics
  1. Masters Builder Association (n.d.). Industrial Relations. (accessed March 23 2021)
  2. Australian Government (Attorney-General's Department) (n.d.). Australia's national workplace relations system. (accessed March 17 2021).
  3. Duncan, C. (2020). How To Communicate Company Policies Effectively: 7 Top Tips. (accessed March 23 2021)
  4. Swervo (2016). Workplace Communication. (accessed March 23 2021)
  5. Doyle A. (2020) Conflict Resolution: Definition, Process, Skills, Examples. (accessed March 23 2021)
  6. FairWork Ombudsman (n.d.). Effective dispute resolution. (accessed March 23 2021)
  7. EmploySure (2019). Are You Grieving Over Workplace Grievances? (accessed March 23 2021)
  8. Amaresan, S. (2019) 14 Conflict Resolution Skills to Use with Your Team and Your Customers. https:// (accessed March 23 2021)
  9. Australian Human Rights Commission (n.d.). Why have an internal complaint process? (accessed March 23 2021)
  10. Kavanagh, M.J and Johnson, R.D. (2017). Human Resource Information Systems - Basics, Applications, and Future Directions. SAGE.
  11. Fair Work Commission (2019). Terms and conditions of employment. (accessed March 23 2021)
  12. Government of Western Australia (n.d.). Resolving a dispute. (accessed March 23 2021)
  13. Business Queensland (n.d.). Negotiating successfully. (accessed March 17 2021).
  14. Gates, S. (2015). The Negotiation Book Your Definitive Guide to Successful Negotiating. John Wiley and Sons; Cornwall, UK.
  15. Business Victoria (n.d.). Records management for small business. (accessed March 23 2021)
  16. F. John Reh (2019. The Benefits of Continuous Improvement in the Workplace. https://www. (accessed March 23 2021)
  17. Quickbase (2020). How To Document Your Current Processes In 10 Easy Steps. https://www.quickbase. com/blog/how-to-document-your-current-processesin-10-easy-steps (accessed March 23 2021)
  18. Workplace Law (2020). Record keeping basics for human resources. (accessed March 23 2021)

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