Yoobee Online

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Mon, 01/17/2022 - 13:22

Welcome to the Online campus, we are excited you have joined our team.  

The platform Yoobee Online uses, our LMS (Learning Management System) is called Yoobee Online, as is our campus (you are working in the Online campus). 
Our sister company, eddy has worked with the Yoobee team to design and develop all of the content of Yoobee Online. This content and how we work mirrors (as much as possible) an on-campus Yoobee experience.  

As you work your way through this Induction, please follow up with your Team Leader if you have any questions.  

This Tutor Induction is a resource of information that can be referred back to, at any point. It contains a large amount of important processes and systems, that are vital for you to do your job correctly and effectively.  

Reflect and Connect points: There are point throughout this Induction to help you Reflect on what you have read so far and Connect to your future practice. These will all build up to the final task where you will submit a document.

These interim R&C points can be submitted as attachments or just used as notes for the final project. The final Reflect and Connect project document will go to your Team Leader as a sign off you have completed the induction.

This document can be used by you within your performance appraisal as it sets goals for your professional development.

If you feel that aspects of your working life are not covered in the Induction, then we value your feedback to improve and update this module. This resource is for you and all the Online campus team. 

We look forward to working with you!



Sub Topics

An online campus is just that – a school online, a place where tutors communicate with students, a place where students access content and share thoughts, questions and ideas, a place where questions can be asked and answers can be found. It’s kind of like a face-to-face campus, but it’s not.

What makes Yoobee Online different are the following aspects: 

  • It is in a facilitated asynchronous environment. This means everyone is working within Yoobee online at a different time, so this means there is flexibility around when to study. Imagine all the tutors and students coming into a face-to-face campus at different hours, 24/7, including public holidays. It would be chaos. That is why the most static thing within Yoobee Online is the content along with the dates: start, end and assessment due.  
  • The content is always there, available whenever a student needs it. A tutor is there during work hours to address issues students have with the content. If they ask a question, that’s when a tutor becomes a teacher. 
  • Communication is varied. It can happen via the message chat function, through the forums threads, through the live session (video function within Yoobee Online), through emails, phone calls, text messages, Calendly bookings and MS Teams/Zoom video call. Any which way we can communicate we will. Communication is the way to create connection between the student and other students, the tutor, Learning Support and Yoobee Colleges.  
  • Consider the three types of communication needed in Yoobee Online: content related, schedule planning related and social support related. 
  • Engagement is not done through face-to-face methods but through the personality within the communication, the creative, interesting activities within Yoobee Online and the sharing of them in the forums. These activities are formative assessments: they are there for students to practise the skills needed for the summative assessment and to gain feedback from tutors and others to develop their understanding of the design, the tools and the process. 
  • Roles of the tutor and assessor. In a face-to-face class the teacher and assessor is often the same person. In Yoobee Online, the tutor has only the role of tutor – to engage and support students in their learning and development. Along with the student facing role, a tutor has an administration role involving coordination of the engagement and touchpoint plan and communicating with the assessor.
    The assessor is a separate person who only assesses the work and provides feedback to the students to develop. 


What does this mean for the student? 

It means that the student has a flexible study schedule, are more autonomous with their learning, have more time to engage with the content, and can be located anywhere in Aotearoa/New Zealand and the world. It also means they can procrastinate as much as a face-to-face student but are only encouraged and motivated through communication and organised interactions that the tutor or students have created.

Motivation could drop off quicker, and other life events can distract. There could be a stronger feeling of disconnection from study and Yoobee Online. Knowing the cons of synchronous learning helps us to create the environment where students want to be in.


What it is not. 

It is not Blended Learning, which is a synchronous online learning environment.  

Reference: Ohio State Online. (2021) What's the Difference Between Asynchronous and Synchronous Learning. LINK 


Academic Research reading: Australian Journal of Adult Learning LINK 
YouTube Video: Engaging Adult Learners in Online Professional Development LINK 
30 Quick ideas, not necessarily for an online environment: LINK 
Ryerson University’s suggestions LINK 
Coursera 4 week FREE course Learning to Teach Online LINK 



Asynchronous learning means students can access all their learning material at any time, through our online learning management system (Yoobee Online) over the period of their study. They can schedule their learning around their lives, as long as they submit their work at the required deadlines. The facilitated aspect is the tutor's role to encourage and strengthen the student's engagement with the content.

Students can chat in Yoobee Online through the messaging system and forums. Tutors are available, Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm to help students with their study.
Asynchronous also means that the students could be online at different times, so it might just take them some time to respond.
We recommend using one of the below operating systems to access Yoobee Online:
Computer: Windows 7 and above, and preferably Chrome. Mobile phone: Android 4.4.2 and above iOS 9 If you currently use an operating system or browser lower than the above versions, please ensure that you upgrade in order to continue using the application. 
For content issues: If you experience issues with your learning content, you will be able to log these through the platform. Using the meatball menu within the content you will find an option to 'Report Content Issue'. You can inform us on any issues relating specifically to the learning content through here and our team will action this as soon as possible.

For technical issues: If you are experiencing any technical issues with the learning platform or anything IT in general, please log a ticket with IT Helpdesk. Use the Support portal IT HELPDESK or send an email to: helpdesk@up.education In order to help resolve your issue as quickly as possible please give as much information about your issue as possible, including which browser you are using and screenshots that may help identify the problem.
Yes. It’s important that they complete their study in the order it’s been laid out. We carefully designed the sequence of the learning so that it builds with each sub section/course, and each part is critical to understanding the next.
As they complete each course, the submission of their assessment will 'unlock' the next course.
Yes, we like to mirror in-person learning and the professional world, as much as possible, so there are due dates and deadlines. These are communicated to the students at the start of their programme.
As Yoobee Online is asynchronous, it means that our students can study at any time that suits them. So they could be online at different times, which means it might just take them some time to respond.
If you are having difficulty reloading a page, try clearing the cache by either returning to the homepage or logging out and then logging back in. If it becomes problematic, log a ticket with IT Helpdesk
Just like in a face-to-face campus, cover can be arranged. The advantage with an asynchronous environment there is no immediate need for a tutor to go into a classroom. Follow normal procedure.
Students can still study on a public holiday, but tutors and Learning Support will not be available.
Occasionally a student might request to have a live session after work hours, as they too work full time. We also might have offshore students, based in Vietnam, Egypt, France, Mexico etc. It’s important to accommodate a student request where possible. So if your schedule can fit that way, meet them.
Contact your Team Leader and discuss your concerns.
As for any class, no matter the environment, there are student-related and administration tasks. These will vary across the programme and the intake. See Module 2.2 for detailed information on this.
Any form of bullying, harassment or discrimination is totally unacceptable. Students received the expected Code of Conduct within the Yoobee Student Handbook, and there is a process for them to follow in there as well. (see: 7.2.5)
A tutor’s position is to support immediately and guide the student through the process.
Module Linking
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Student work: Jason | Diploma in Advanced 3D Production
Is Study Guide?
Is Assessment Consultation?