Diploma in Software Development (Level 6) Year 1

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Tue, 02/01/2022 - 23:49
Main Image
A close up of a JavaScript app in Dracula's theme


The aim of the Diploma in Software Development (Level 6) is to enable students to develop their knowledge and skills in creating and maintaining computer programmes using a variety of design structures and quality assurance methodology in testing procedures.

Module Overview
Year 1
Course Course Name Level Credits
CS101 UX Principles I 5 15
CS102 Development Principles I 5 15
CS103 Integrated Studio I 5 30
CS104 UX Principles II 5 15
CS105 Development Principles II 5 15
CS106 Integrated Studio II 5 30
Year 2
Course Course Name Level Credits
CS201 Elective A 6 15
CS202 Cross-Platform Development 6 15
CS203 Investigative Studio I 6 30
CS204 Elective B 6 15
CS205 Integrated Studio III- Immersive Technology 6 45
Elective A
Course Course Name Level Credits
CS201 Technical Design for Software 6 15
CS201A Foundation of Data Science 6 15
CS201B Cloud Computing Fundamentals 6 15
CS201C Networking and Systems Administration 6 15
Elective B
Course Course Name Level Credits
CS204 Society, Enterprise, Innovation 6 15
CS204A Artificial Intelligence 6 15
CS204B Cloud Application Development 6 15
CS204C Cybersecurity 6 15

We’d love to hear from you

During your study, you may need to reach out to us with comments on your learning content or technical issues.

Content Issues

If you experience issues with your learning content, you will be able to log these through the platform. Using the meatball menu within the content you will find an option to 'Report Content Issue'. You can inform us of any issues relating specifically to the learning content here and our team will action this as soon as possible.

Technical Issues

If you are experiencing any technical issues with your learning platform please send an email to: onlinesupport@up.education

In order to help resolve your issue as quickly as possible please give us as much information about your issue as possible, including which browser you are using and screenshots that may help us identify the problem.

We will get back to you as soon as possible so that you can get back to your study.

Best Practice Guides 

Below are best practice guides that you will need throughout this course and for your assessments. 

Treaty of Waitangi

Unified Modeling Language

Visual Design 

Web Coding

Version Control 

Website/ App Proposal 



As you progress through this course, you will occasionally encounter embedded Repls that are hosted on Replit.com.

Replit.com is a collaborative online IDE that supports more than 50 languages, and a Repl is an instance of a project hosted on Replit.com.

We have used Repls to provide interactive, working examples of code for the languages covered in this course.

To interact with a Repl, just click the play button in the centre or the Repl, to see its output and to provide user input if it is required.

You can view the source code of a Repl by toggling the “show/Hide files” button in the top left corner.

If you want to experiment with a Repl by investigating, modifying or adding to the source code, you will need to “Open on Replit” using the button in the top right corner, then click the “Remix Repl” button on the following screen to fork the project into your own account.

Replit accounts are free, and sign-up can be completed using your Google, Github or Facebook account or by providing a username and email address.

You can use Replit.com to work on projects and assessments delivered during this course, share examples in the forums, and collaborate with team members on share projects.

Course Publish
Course Name
Diploma in Software Development (Level 6) Year 1