Facebook Advertising

Submitted by gavin.stokes@y… on Thu, 03/17/2022 - 14:55
Sub Topics

In this lesson, we'll look at setting objectives, targeting, budgeting and scheduling for paid campaigns. We'll explore how to set up Facebook ads and measure ad performance. We'll also introduce Facebook Shop – to sell items directly on Facebook and Instagram.
Your practical activity will include advertising research for your own marketing plan.

Research the cost of advertising to your target audience using Google search and display and social media advertising: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram.
The work you complete in this practical may also be applied to Assessment 1.

Include a detailed breakdown of the cost per keyword/click/action for an appropriate campaign using:

  1. Social media e.g. Facebook & Instagram
  2. Search e.g. Google Search
  3. Display ads e.g. Google Display Network

Post your cost breakdown to your thread in the Practicals Forum.
Please include the title "Practical 6: Advertising Research" in your post.

Learning together: We learn better with a little encouragement and discussion. Check out the answers of other students and leave a comment on their posts too.

Great going! You're ready to tackle Assessment 1.

You can find a link to the assessment instructions and upload page at the bottom of the left hand menu:

Or, click here for a direct link.

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Facebook Advertising
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