Learning Journey

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Sun, 04/10/2022 - 23:45
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
Lao Tzu

Online learning has become increasingly popular over the years. It is one of the most convenient, flexible and effective ways to study. Setting aside dedicated hours of study each week, and creating a study plan, with set goals of completion for each module will help you in setting yourself up for success.

As this learning platform may be a new environment for you, it is highly suggested that you take your time to explore and familiarise yourself with all of its inclusions. It might feel a little overwhelming at first, but please remember, though you are enrolled in an online course, it doesn’t mean you are alone. The staff here at Swinburne Open Education are more than happy to support you through your learning journey. It is our goal as much as it is yours, to see you graduate!

Here is what to expect in your learning platform...

Sub Topics

You will be provided with sequential learning modules that will build on your knowledge and skill as you progress through your course. Each module will contain useful information on the Unit of Competency that will be later assessed. The learning modules include:

  • Topics: that are filled with informative content, weblinks, and engaging videos.
  • Activities: that can be found throughout each of the topics that will assist you in retaining important information that will be needed in assessments.
  • Additional resources: must be acknowledged. It is found toward the end of each module and includes multiple inspirational links that will be of good use in this design course. Furthermore, additional resources often include content that will prepare you for assessment.
A person studying in a library alongside shelves of books

Too much knowledge is never enough. Your trainers have a wealth of experience in the Marketing and Communications industry and are always enthusiastic to share what they know with you! You will be informed by your trainers of the details for any upcoming webinars during your course. Webinars presented by your trainers cover a range of industry and design topics, provide assistance for assessments, and more!

It is highly encouraged to participate in webinars where possible, to aid in connecting with trainers and other students. This will add to your learning experience and help you stay motivated, grow and progress in your course.

A small team holding a casual meeting at a table by a window

There will be times in your course where you will have a query or two, and may need to reach out for help, or perhaps you simply want to speak with others during your studies to maintain your engagement in your learning. Regardless of the need for interacting with others, it is important you know the correct person to contact for your type of query. Have a look at the different people that you can turn to and the best way to reach them.

  • Trainers. There is no such thing as a silly question, so take advantage of the messaging system within your learning platform to contact your trainers for any type of learning and assessment assistance. They can help clarify any uncertainties and give you the confidence in understanding the learning and assessments.
  • Students. Some students like to “buddy-up”. Getting yourself a study buddy can help in encouraging progression and motivation. You can meet study buddies on the online forums, and by attending webinars. Just like the trainers, you can make contact with other peers by using the messaging system in the online platform. Though you are responsible for your own learning, having a study buddy can keep you accountable and move forward toward the completion of your course. It is important to note, that while Swinburne Open Education encourages you to have a study buddy if you wish to do so, you must abide by student codes of conduct relating to communications and assessment submission.

    Please note: From time to time, you may be required to also contact a trainer and students as a part of your assessment requirements.

  • Student Support. Contact our friendly Student Support team for any queries relating to your course enrolment. These may include queries relating to course extensions, course completion, payment, login access, unique student identifier etc. Student support, unlike your trainer, has no industry knowledge and experience and cannot answer any questions relating to your learning and assessments. Please redirect those messages to your trainer.
People focusing intently on the tasks they need to action for the day

After you have finished your learning module, it is time to complete your assessments. These will include both theory and practical assessment methods that will gather evidence of both your knowledge and skills for the unit of competency. Assessments may consist of a series of short answer questions and practical portfolios style projects. Some assessments in your course:

  • Include a simulated work environment that is in the form of a scenario. The assessments will have a narrative surrounding a fictitious workplace, where you are an employee and are being given specific instructions and tasks to complete for the assessment.
Module Linking
Main Topic Image
A person mid-stride, walking on the side of a quite road
Is Study Guide?
Is Assessment Consultation?