Welcome to Certificate IV in Marketing and Communication

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Sun, 04/10/2022 - 23:16
Sub Topics

Marketing is a powerful force within business, when done correctly it can help grow any functional organisation exponentially. As an always-evolving practice, marketing holds foundational concepts yet is shaped by creativity and innovation. The Certificate IV in Marketing & Communication will help you develop skills and knowledge that you can apply across various industries.

This course will provide you with the broad knowledge required to execute a marketing dedicated role or one that holds some marketing responsibilities.

The Certificate IV in Marketing and Communications is made up of 12 units of competency that you will be undertaking as a part of your studies. See the following list:

Core Units

  1. BSBMKG435 Analyse consumer behaviour
  2. BSBMKG433 Undertake marketing activities
  3. BSBWRT411 Write complex documents
  4. BSBCRT412 Articulate, present and debate ideas
  5. BSBMKG439 Develop and apply knowledge of communications industry
  6. BSBCMM411 Make presentations

Elective Units

  1. BSBCRT411 Apply critical thinking to work practices
  2. SIRXMKT006 Develop a social media strategy
  3. BSBXBD403 Analyse big data
  4. SIRXECM002 Prepare digital content
  5. BSBMKG442 Conduct e-marketing communications
  6. BSBXCM401 Apply communication strategies in the workplace

The following are typical words heard in the world of marketing, Familiarise yourself with them to support your learning and expand on common vocabulary you will hear and use in industry:

AB testing Comparing web pages conversion rate
Analytics System used to measure web behaviour
Branding Communication process that includes name, design, symbol, personality, culture, identification
Burger menu Three-line menu at the top of a site
CTA Call to action: invitation within communication
CMS Content Management Software: system to manage sites, apps, etc
Content Marketing Tactic about creating, publishing, and distributing content for a targeted audience
Conversion rate % Moving from one stage to another, e.g. web visitors filling a form
Copywriting The art of writing for marketing purposes
CPC Cost per click, price paid per click
CPL Cost per lead, price paid per lead
CRM Customer relationship management – system software
Customer journey Map of stages experienced by customers
Demand generation Tactic about driving awareness and interest on a product or service
GTM Go to market: a strategy defining how to deliver unique value proposition
Inbound marketing Tactic of creating marketing that attracts customers
Kebab menu Three dot menus at the top of a site
Keyword Words used in search engines
Landing Page A single webpage with just one objective of communication
Lead generation Tactic about collection prospective customer data
Lead nurturing Valuable journey for leads to drive ultimately to purchase
Marketing Automation Process within a CRM to lead nurture and automate communications in a timely fashion
Persona A psychographic definition of a potential customer
Positioning The place a company or brand owns in customer’s mind
PPC Pay per click, cost to ads
Responsive Design Web design that fits in width across all screens (desktop, tablet or mobile)
SEM Search Engine Marketing, e.g. Google Ads
SEO Search Engine Optimisation: action to help a site rank higher in search engine results
Target audience Strategic group targeted, defined demographically and psychographically.
Thank you page Page after a web user has provided data, used to measure success
Top of the funnel Initial journey of prospective customers, normally the stages covering awareness and interest
Value proposition Key part of a strategy in which the reasons why prospective clients will purchase are defined
Wireframes Mock ups of a website or app
Word of mouth The power of products or services being referred positively or negatively to others

Have a look at the following videos that have inspired, motivated and informed many people in the marketing industry.

How great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek
Best marketing strategy ever! Steve Jobs Think different / Crazy ones speech
The Carousel Pitch from Mad Men Season 1 Episode 13
The Future of Advertising: Four Scenarios
Module Linking
Main Topic Image
A person with shopping bags walking beside store fronts
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