Course Overview

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Mon, 06/27/2022 - 18:19

Welcome to 'CS205 Integrated Studio III: Immersive Technology'!

The purpose of CS205 - Integrated Studio III is to create an environment that closely resembles a professional scenario, to help you prepare for future work in such settings. This is a space for you to hone in on the skills and knowledge that you have developed in your previous studies, and, most specifically, in the relevant elective you have chosen for CS204.

This module is all designed around the assessments and is structured in a way to guide you through the stages you need to complete leading up to your submissions.

Sub Topics

On successful completion of this course, students are able to:

  1. Articulate an individualised learning journey through reflection on specialist contribution to a team software development project.
  2. Produce a useable, fit-for-purpose software product to the required technical standard.
  3. Identify and resolve issues and problems in an open and collaborative way.
  4. Engage in innovation and creativity as software practitioners.
  5. Integrate effective collaborative practices in a team-based software development environment.

This course is to be completed in conjunction with the relevant CS204 elective you have chosen to complete. While all students will follow the same assessment path, you will be working on topics that are applicable to what you have learned in CS204.

CS205 Integrated Studio III contains two assessments, both of which are group based.

# Assessment Type Weighting Due Date
Assessment 1 Research Proposal 40% Friday, Week 8
Assessment 2 Project 60% Friday, Week 16
Module Linking
Main Topic Image
People collaborating on a project
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