Introduction to Your Assessment

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Mon, 06/27/2022 - 18:51

This is a space for you to develop and deepen your knowledge, skills, and practices through research and prototyping.  In this course, you will research and develop collaboratively, empathise with the creative processes of teammates, and connect theories and concepts with practice through practice-based inquiry. 

Let’s begin by looking at the Assessment you must complete by the end of this course. 

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The goal of CS205 is to enable you to develop practical skills that you will utilise in the workplace. These include the following abilities:

  • develop research questions
  • conduct literary reviews
  • develop a research proposal 
  • project manage an MVP solution
  • work in a group

In order to gain these skills, CS205 contains two group-based assessments with students from your CS204 elective course. You will work with the same group for both Assessment 1 and Assessment 2. 

  • Assessment 1: A research project based on your CS204 elective choice
  • Assessment 2: The practical development of an MVP solution that extends from your research project in Assessment 1

As a group, you will need to identify a problem to solve, or, an idea to develop (based on your relevant elective) through a formal research process. Once the problem or idea is identified, you will then formulate the research question(s) relevant to that topic.

When the research questions have been established, you will then move on to the literature review stage. As part of the literature review, you will need to review the following types of texts relevant to your research area:

  • conference papers
  • journal articles

You will need to provide a summary of these works in the report. In addition, you will review existing systems to solve the identified issue or idea you have developed in order to find gaps thus allowing for improvement in these systems. The research you complete should answer the questions your group has posed. 

To assist you in this completing Assessment 1, we have included an overview of this in this module, which can be found under the topic '11.4 Writing a Research Proposal'. We have also included information relating to managing a project which can be found under the topic '11.5 Project Management Fundamentals.

  • A zip file containing your team project files, including:
    • Research Questions
    • Literature Review
    • Product Concept
    • Production Plan
  • A live group presentation (your tutor will schedule these for week 8)

Upon completion of your research proposal in Assessment 1, as a team, you will then implement (through code) the idea and develop a working minimum viable product (containing basic features) that solves the issue posed in the research questions.

Part 1 - MVP
  • A final build, of MVP with user instructions (if any).
  • A *.txt file containing the link to the git repository where the source code is managed.

Part 2 - Presentation & R&D Report

  • Full technical report in *.pdf format containing your whole development process and research findings.
  • Presentation file in *.pdf or *.ppt format
  • A video/screenshots that demonstrate your project.

From your peers in the relevant CS204 elective, you will form teams of two (2) or a maximum of three (3) to work on both assessments for CS205. Should you need assistance in forming a team, please contact your tutor in CS204.

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