Weekly Assessment Progress

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Mon, 06/27/2022 - 18:51

As outlined in the course overview, CS205 Integrated Studio III - Immersive Technology is your opportunity to put your learning into practice, so that means less time reading and more time doing. Throughout this course, you will be working as a team to research and develop concepts in your area of specialisation (elective of CS204) which will be the basis for your assessment for which you will progress through in stages. 

To support you through this, we have provided a suggested progress plan for each of the two milestones and a summary of what you will need to achieve through each stage.

Sub Topics

In CS205 Cross-Investigative Studio III,  you will undertake a research project (Assessment 1) and from this will develop an MVP (Assessment 2). The goal of the first week is to familiarise yourself with the requirements for Assessment 1 and complete the following topic:

  •  '11.5 Project Management Fundamentals

Group Formation

For both assessments in CS205, you will require to work in groups of two or a maximum of three students. You will need to reach out to other students in your elective of CS204 to form these groups. 

 During week 2, you will have finalized your groups for CS205 and you will begin working together to identify the topic you would like to research. Once you have settled on your chosen topic, you will then start working through the process of developing your research questions.

To assist you in this we have developed the topic '11.4 Writing a Research Proposal'. During this week please review the following subtopic:

  • 11.4.3 Develop Research Questions

Once the research questions have been finalised your group will then move on to completing both the literature review and the review of existing systems. 

To assist you in this we have developed the topic '11.4 Writing a Research Proposal'. During this period please review the following subtopic:

  • 11.4.2 Conduct a Literature Review

Having completed the literature and systems review during weeks 4 and 5 you will now work through the development of your product concept and develop your production plan (please note your production plan should inform the development of your MVP for Assessment 2).

To assist you in this we have developed the topic '11.4 Writing a Research Proposal'. During this period please review the following subtopic:

  • 11.4.1 Structure of a Research Proposal 

Here you will be submitting all components of Assessment 1 and will be scheduled to complete your group presentation. 

Now you have completed your research project (Assessment 1) you will now develop an MVP (Assessment 2). The goal of the first week is to familiarise yourself with the requirements for Assessment 2 and begin implementation of the production plan you developed as part of Assessment 1. You will be required to establish a new Git repository for this project, this will be submitted as part of your assessment.

From weeks 10 to 14, you will be working on the development of your MVP as outlined in your production plan in Assessment 1.

Part of the submission requirements for Assessment 2 is the development of a technical report for your MVP. If you have not done so already, now is the time to complete this and develop your group presentation.

Here you will be submitting all components of Assessment 2 and will be scheduled to complete your group presentation. 

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