
Submitted by coleen.yan@edd… on Tue, 07/12/2022 - 13:33

Unit of Competency

Welcome to Module 10 CHCCCS038 - Facilitate the empowerment of people receiving support.

In this unit you will learn the required skills and knowledge to facilitate the empowerment of people receiving support, and to deliver rights-based services using a person-centred approach.

The key outcomes you will achieve upon completion of this module include:

  • Demonstrate commitment to empowerment for people receiving support.
  • Fostering Human Rights; and
  • Facilitate choice and self-determination.

To achieve competency for the unit within this module, you must complete all theory assessments at the end of this module (short answer questions, case studies, project and role-play) as well as the structured workplace learning and assessment (including Portfolio, logbook and any other work-related documentation located in Module 10).

Module Linking
Main Topic Image
Caretaker combing hair of an elder woman
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