CHC43315 Certificate IV in Mental Health

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Wed, 11/30/2022 - 15:46
Main Image
Woman using mindfulness in forest
Mental not a destination, but a process. It's about how you drive, not where you're going
Naom Shpancer, PHD

Welcome to the Certificate IV in Mental Health. Congratulations on taking the first step into a rewarding career.

In this qualification, you will be progressing through the courses one unit at a time. Each unit is designed to build on your skills and knowledge and take on more specialised knowledge as you progress. During this qualification, you will demonstrate the knowledge and skills you develop through online assessments and via practical assessments, Structured Workplace Learning.

Module Overview
Module Unit Code Description
1. Introduction to Mental Health N/A Learn about course outcomes and career opportunities within Mental Health.
2. Work with diverse people  CHCDIV001 Develop the skills and knowledge needed to participate in meetings, negotiate effectively, lead teams and present information clearly to clients and stakeholders.
3. Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety  CHCDIV002 Learn the skills and knowledge needed to manage a range of meetings, including overseeing the meeting preparation processes, chairing meetings, organising the minutes and reporting meeting outcomes.
4. Apply critical thinking to work practices  BSBCRT411 Develop the skills and knowledge required to use complex spreadsheets to store and retrieve data and complete and produce business documents.
5. Work legally and ethically  CHCLEG001 Learn the skills and knowledge required to obtain project authorisation, develop a scope management plan, and manage the application of project scope controls.
6. Participate in workplace health and safety  HLTWHS001 Learn the skills and knowledge necessary when implementing project schedules and assessing time management outcomes.
7. Manage personal health and wellbeing BSBPEF401 Develop the skills and knowledge required to identify, analyse, and refine project costs to produce a budget and to use this budget as the principal mechanism to control costs.
8.  CHCCCS019 .
9.  CHCMHS011  
10.  CHCCCS004  
11.  CHCMHS005 .
12.  CHCMHS008  
13.  CHCMHS007  
14. CHCMHS003  
15. CHCMHS004  
16. CHCMHS002  






Course Publish
Course Name
CHC43315 Certificate IV in Mental Health