What you will be studying

Submitted by Jacky.Kohunui@… on Wed, 07/26/2023 - 16:12

Your modules for study have been carefully selected to provide you with a solid foundation from which to move forward.

  Introduction to Individual Support (Ageing)
Module 1 Communicate and work in health or community services
Module 2 Work legally and ethically
Module 3 Work with diverse people
Module 4 Recognise healthy body systems
Module 5 Safe work practices and infection control
Module 6 SWLA 1
Module 7 Support relationships with carer and family
Module 8 Support independence and wellbeing
Module 9 Provide individualised support
Module 10 Facilitate the empowerment of older people receiving support
Module 11 Provide loss and grief support
Module 12 Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strength based approach
Module 13 Support community participation and social inclusion
Module 14 Work effectively in disability support
Module 15 Support people with autism spectrum disorder
Module 16 SWLA 2
Sub Topics
a care taker laughing with old people

In this module you will explore the principles of effective communication including the models, modes and types within the context of community services. This module is about recognising the influences on communication, how to utilise different communication techniques, and the importance of considering how you communicate where constraints are present. Within this industry there is a need to consider non-verbal communication as a primary source of information, and as such you will examine person-centred service principles, communicating with their needs in mind. This module also asks you to recognise adverse events, conflicts, reporting and documentation requirements. Lastly as part of this module you will be asked to promote and exhibit a positive improvement mindset, seeking feedback and consulting internally to improve practices, procedures and skills.

This module asks you to become familiar with the legislations that cover the topics of discrimination, dignity of risk, duty of care, mandatory reporting, confidentiality to name a few. You will also start looking at the Universal declaration of human rights and the interrelation between human rights and human needs. This module will also explore a critical aspect of any care role which is the professional boundaries when dealing with vulnerable people. This includes conflict of interest, legal situations and the policy frameworks in place for this industry. Within the context of any carer roles there are always circumstances that arise where your heart and the law are in conflict, and this module will prepare you for these situations by giving you the knowledge of how to work within the legislation and maintain both yours and your client’s safety.

a diverse group of old people

This module looks at cultural competence and how you as an individual appreciate, respect and contribute to an inclusive workplace. You will be asked to reflect on your own perspectives and bias around cultural, political, economic, social and generational differences, as well as how you as a care worker can promote a structure of positive response to a diverse environment. In this module you will also be asked to consider marginalised groups, and how the legislation as well as human rights are instrumental in the care you provide people from diverse cultures.

This module is both informative and fun!! This module asks you to explore the basic human body’s anatomy and physiology, delving into the body systems and their included organs. Once you have a good understanding of how every part of your body interrelates, you will then start looking at processes, conditions and resources the human body needs to support healthy functioning.

a group of care takers and elders strolling a riverside walkway

This is a theory-based module that examines the way in which care workers can practice safe working habits. This is an industry that is at high risk to injuries, for both clients and workers, so it is important to refresh your knowledge and skills around how to undertake manual handling, infection control and hazard identification appropriately. With the help of this module’s activities, you will walk away with the knowledge of WHS legislation, symbols and terminology for safe practices in this industry, possible hazards including that of the client themselves and how to manage these, and the significance of workplace policies and procedures.

To further enhance your WHS knowledge, this module also focuses on additional infection precautions. Given both the world we currently live in and the vulnerability of the people you are caring for, it is vital that you are aware of the protocols associated with infectious diseases and how to manage them in your environment. Particularly considering processes associated with the management of contaminated waste, personal protective equipment, cleaning and sanitising, chains of infection, the basis of infections as well as the methods of transmission, in order to keep both yourself, your colleagues and your clients safe and well.

This module allows you to complete and save documents that relate to your Skills Work Learning Assessment (SWLA). 


In this module you will undertake a very practical learning experience to give you the skills on how to work positively with a person's carer and family members. This module requires that you recognise and respond to the support needs of at least three (3) different individuals using the service while also offering assistance to the carer or family of a person undergoing care arrangement changes, including identifying risks and implementing strategies to address them.

You will explore terminology such as person-centred, strengths-based and self-care capacity. This module requires that you can read, understand and interpret individualised care plans, recognise and support a client’s own identity and preference and learn how to avoid imposing your own values and attitudes as a result. It is vital that our clients feel independent as well as supported, as there is a clear link between wellbeing and feeling constricted or restricted. You will explore the effect of abuse and neglect of human development and be asked to reflect on your understanding of good health. Here is a video to help explain this in a snapshot and get you excited:

Care Act films by Iconic Productions - www.iconictv.co.uk

This module takes several of the other modules’ concepts and topics, asking you to determine support needs, provide support services, monitor support activities and report and document client care. This module asks you to look at service delivery models, consider the ethical and legal requirements, and factors that affect people requiring support. It is also an important module for communication and recognising where and how to access support where activities or situations are out of your scope of knowledge. There is a video below to assist you in understanding what individualised support entails.

This module asks you to consider how to build relationships with your clients that promote empowerment and develop trust and goodwill. It is a very vulnerable thing to rely on another person for your care, so you as a carer are being asked to recognise the importance of respectful relationships in providing services to your clients. In this module you will look at re-enablement and be asked to define disempowerment in the context of care. You will also explore stereotypes, attitudes and myths that have a direct effect on your clients’ well-being and cause their disempowerment. There will be topics such as the psychological and physiological changes in ageing, abuse and neglect, confidentiality and disclosure. You will also look at the structure and profile of the aged care sector as a whole.


This module will allow you to recognise and respond to the needs of people who are experiencing loss, grief and bereavement. This module requires that you demonstrate effective responses to a minimum of three (3) diverse situations involving loss, grief, bereavement, or trauma. Additionally, they engaged in skillful communication by utilizing empathic listening, both verbal and non-verbal techniques, offering clear and sensitive information, and actively seeking feedback to ensure understanding.

This module will help you understand the requirements to assist with supporting the ongoing skill development of a person with disability. It involves following and contributing to an established individualised plan and using a positive, strengths-based approach. This module requires you to focus on a strengths-based approach, assisting three (3) people with disabilities in accordance with their individualised plans, with two in simulation and one in a workplace setting.

This module involves aiding individuals with disabilities in community participation and social inclusion, employing a person-centered approach. This approach focuses on empowering individuals to make choices that optimise their involvement in diverse community settings, functions, and activities, ultimately enhancing their psychosocial well-being and lifestyle according to their unique needs and preferences.

In this module you will be supporting a minimum of two (2) individuals with disabilities, the support involves helping them recognize their skills and interests and discovering suitable opportunities within the broader community.

This includes selecting options that align with their individualised plans, supporting them in accessing those options, and identifying and addressing barriers collaboratively to overcome challenges. The support process may also involve continuously monitoring strategies, seeking feedback from the individuals and others involved, and making necessary adjustments to ensure ongoing success.

This module encompasses the essential skills and knowledge necessary for effective work in a disability support context. It encompasses meeting job-related expectations, adhering to organisational requirements, and functioning within the broader disability sector context.

You will learn skills and knowledge to offer assistance to at least one person with a disability. This role encompasses various tasks, such as person-centered communication, identifying tasks from their individualised plan, understanding your job scope and making referrals, complying with professional conduct requirements, recognizing and reporting signs of abuse, seeking consent for support activities, collaborating with interdisciplinary team members, engaging with individuals and organisations through technology, completing workplace reports and checklists, and ensuring the maintenance and secure storage of workplace information while upholding privacy and confidentiality requirements.

This module explores the skills and knowledge required to work with people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), with regard for their needs and within the context of support work.

This module will identify the skills and knowledge involved when providing interventions and support tailored to the needs and preferences of a minimum of three individuals with autism spectrum disorder. This includes recognising their specific needs and preferences, planning and implementing interventions that cater to those requirements, and ensuring adherence to the principles of person-centered care and the individualised plan.

This module allows you to complete and save documents that relate to your Skills Work Learning Assessment (SWLA). 

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