Fitness in Action Instructing Group Personal Training Programs

Submitted by sylvia.wong@up… on Fri, 10/23/2020 - 01:21
Young female gym instructor standing alonside a group of women doing pilates
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This is Samara ... 

She works for Fitness Connection which is a large urban fitness centre catering to many different clients. She is a Group Personal Trainer and provides small group/class fitness sessions approximately 15 times a week.

What exactly is Group Personal Training?

Its a cross between one-on-one personal training and a larger class-based fitness session such as aerobics or pilates class. We keep the groups small, usually no more than 8 participants. This allows for some personalised attention but helps to reduce the costs associated with one-on-one personalised training. It also provides a fun social environment in which to exercise. Most of the participants end up becoming friends and having a great time.

What types of sessions do you run?

Pilates is very popular, especially among my female clients. I also run boxercise sessions, boot camp, and water aerobics. 

What are the challenges of running group sessions?

Probably the differing levels of ability, especially if we have a newcomer join the group. It is a delicate balancing act to ensure they have appropriate levels of guidance and attention whilst also ensuring my more experienced clients are not bored or unchallenged. I try to have beginner and advanced classes so that clients are grouped appropriately, however, this is not always possible especially if there are only a few participants.

How do you circulate around the group during a session?

Depending on the type of routine that we are doing I might be out the front demonstrating a particular technique, followed by a quick walk through the group to check on individual technique, offer advice, and answer questions. It's important that I stay visible and available to the group and don't get too distracted by any one client in particular. If someone has a specific problem or requires a bit more attention I will recommend they stay back at the end to have a quick intensive demonstration and practice or to answer any complex queries they may have.

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